VALOR ( Sirius Black )

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TITLE: Valor
BOOK/MOVIE: Marauder's Era
OC NAME: Valerie "Valor" Hood

DESCRIPTION "Oh c'mon! It's not like McGonagall would expel you, causing your family to disown you, making you have to live on the street, which eventually will make you fall into depression, ultimately killing you!"

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"Oh c'mon! It's not like McGonagall would expel you, causing your family to disown you, making you have to live on the street, which eventually will make you fall into depression, ultimately killing you!"

"That could happen?!"

Valerie has suffered from anxiety for as long as she could remember. She overthought everything and was always panicking over something. Meeting new people was torturous, having attention on her was god awful, and the idea of doing anything that meant leaving the comfort of her friends made her anxious.

When she was sorted into Gryffindor, she and her family were quite surprised. She wasn't necessarily the fearless type and was completely prepared to be sorted into Hufflepuff. Her first five years were relatively easy as she just kept to herself, but when she encountered the Marauder's it all seemed to change for her. Particularly Sirius Black, who she was determined to show she could be brave.

great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle

-Sirius calls Valerie "Valor" because it obviously has to do with being brave and having courage

-Anxiety is not something that just goes away, it's something you have to figure out how to work with. This story should not be in any way just Sirius trying to get her over it. He's just helping her cope.

-Anxiety is an intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. It can be normal in stressful situations such as public speaking or taking a test. Anxiety is only an indicator of underlying disease when feelings become excessive, all-consuming, and interfere with daily living.

-I personally have Social Anxiety and can give plenty examples and situations people with Anxiety face. But here are a couple things to keep in mind while writing about Valerie:
•She worries excessively. Something as simple as turning in a paper can start as thinking about what time she needs to get there, and then there's a train of 'What ifs?'
•She has difficulty concentrating. Someone can be in the middle of telling her a story, and then she thinks about something that leads into another one of those train of thoughts and the next thing she knows she missed the last half of the story.
•She avoids social situations. If she's invited to a party or just to go to Hogsmeade with someone, she tends to try and find a way out of it.

-Something I personally don't like is walking into a room by myself when everyone else is already seated. It may sound weird, but imagine it as Valerie walking into the Great Hall in the middle of dinner when the whole school is in the middle of eating and suddenly all attention is on her. It's sorta terrifying...

-I think it'd be cute if Sirius started picking up on small things Valerie does and figures out how to calm her. Like, when I get nervous I subconsciously pop my knuckles, so maybe if she did that then Sirius could place his hand over hers to calm her

-I personally get awful anxiety thinking about being in a relationship, so I don't think their relationship should be quick in any way. Sirius needs to earn Valerie's trust and prove to her that he's all in

-Optionally, Valerie can have some sort of anxiety attack over something

-The MsMarauders community is making plots for mental illness as May is mental health awareness month. Mental health needs to be talked about and discussed. It's something that people go through. It should not be stuffed away and dealt with by yourself. You are never alone

( plot by Tuft )

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