SPIRALING ( OC love interest )

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TITLE: spiraling
LOVE INTEREST: amara rush
BOOK/MOVIE: modern day
OC NAME: clarissa james
FACE CLAIM: sofia wylie as amara, natalia dyer as clarissa

TITLE: spiraling LOVE INTEREST: amara rushBOOK/MOVIE: modern dayOC NAME: clarissa jamesFACE CLAIM: sofia wylie as amara, natalia dyer as clarissaTAKEN BY: N/A

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DESCRIPTION "i respected you when you didn't want to eat, why can't you respect me?"

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"i respected you when you didn't want to eat, why can't you respect me?"

clarissa and amara have a special connection. their relationship is seemingly perfect, but it's not so simple.
clarissa has bullimia. amara watches as clarissa gets thinner and sicker. she tries to help, but clarissa won't accept it.
amara later is diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. clarissa deals with guilt and anger because she believes that she has forced an eating disorder onto amara. so, with both of them spiraling down into black holes, who will save them?

-clarissa is a hufflepuff, amara is a slytherin

-although clarissa blames herself and believes she has forced an eating disorder on amara, it is absolutely not her fault. you cannot force a mental illness on someone

-who "saves" them? health professionals. they do not save each other. that's one of the most important points of this plot—you cannot love someone out of a mental illness!!

-clarissa's parents don't really know what's going on. amara's parents do know, but are in denial about it. clarissa owls back and forth with amara's parents in order to try to get help for amara, but does not believe that she herself needs or is worthy of help

-the quote in the description is something amara says to clarissa when she finds out that clarissa has been telling amara's parents everything

-this is somewhat based off of a sad but true story of two of my friends

-research symptoms of eating disorders and showcase them!! eating disorders are more than just the most noticeable result of getting very thin. examples include hair loss, nausea, dizziness, menstruation becomes minimal or stops altogether, etc.

-eating disorders are serious illnesses that can be fatal if left untreated. here is the number for an eating disorder helpline: 800-305-2997. spread this around to those who may need it. it's never too early or too late to get help

-The MsMarauders community is making plots for mental illness as May is mental health awareness month. Mental health needs to be talked about and discussed. It's something that people go through. It should not be stuffed away and dealt with by yourself. You are never alone

( plot by sett )

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