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Lyrical POV
As I walked into the school I kept my head down and went to my locker. I looked up and instantly regretted it
Not again not today please
I thought in my head as I met eyes with the Queen Bee of the school and the person that makes my life hell Honesty Gonzalez
"Well well we'll if it isn't little lyrical walking all by herself as always" she laughs "what a loser I mean who would ever want to be friends with someone like you"
I kept quiet and kept my head down I looked up a few times wanting to say something so bad but kept quiet
"Aww are you going to say something... oh wait you don't speak your such a freak" she smirked and laughed
By now there was a circled formed around us I looked be hind her and only met eyes with Ryder with his 2 best friends Alex and Justin he did nothing but look down and away
"HEY LOOK AT ME WHEN IM SPEAKING TO YOU" she screamed in my face and pushed me to the ground as her Courtney Brittany and the whole school laughed at me I did nothing but stay there and look at the ground
"I think you should teach her a lesson" Brittany smirked at Courtney and Honesty
"Good idea Britt" She smirked
I felt a sting in my cheek and I knew she slapped me then I kick to the ribs thats when all the air was knocked out of me she kicked me in the same place my mother did
Don't cry stay strong
"That's enough Honesty leave her alone" I heard a voice say
I looked up and it was him Ryder
Why is he protecting me
"Excuse me what are you standing up for her" she said with so much venom in her voice
"I'm not but you should be the last person hurting someone" he said rolling his eyes
"WHAT.. baby I do-" she was cut of by him
"I'm not your baby leave her alone that's my last time saying it" he says with a deep voice and walks away
"This isn't over slut" she says and she stormed away
Why did he protect me this must be some sort of joke to hurt me
I slowly get up as the bell rings and go into the bathroom and just cry
This day can't get any worse

~~ A/N Hope you guys like it so far keep reading for more~~

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