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Ryder's POV

"I still can't believe you guys are cousins" Riley says with a shocked face

"It's not like i choose them" I scoff

"Look I'm here to help you not get insulted so calm your ass down and tell me what's going on" Xander says sitting on one of the stools

"Okay so I made a mistake the night we had the celebration party... long story short lyrical heard some things and she took all of her and Jax stuff put it in her car and left.. we recently got her soon to be step moms number and she told us Lyrical said she was coming back to the house but she lied she was actually staying here but when we got here as you can see she is no where to be found her phone was on the table in her room and there's broken glass and stuff" I explain as fast and short as I could

"Wait so she is actually missing now?" He asks

"Didn't you just hear what I said" I snap

"Ryder calm down" Athena says I take in a breathe

"Okay So what do you want me to help with" he asks confused

"We need Cane because if it is a regular officer they won't take us as serious we need someone we know so that they trust us or you at least" I explain

"Alright I'll call him up right now" he walks away

"We will find her Ryder she's our best friend.. we will find her no matter what" Alex says coming up to me

"I know I won't give up until I find her but it's just the thought that anything can happen to her or be happening to her right now and we've gotten nowhere" I rest my face in my hands

"We have gotten somewhere we've gotten here and we've gotten a police Officer who trusts at least one of us and is willing to help" Alex says

"Okay I called Cane he said he will be here within 5 minutes and to leave everything how it is" Xander says coming back inside. I nod it wanting to talk. Looking at her necklace I let out a sigh.

As Xander said within five minutes someone walked in. "Cane thanks for coming"

"Ryder I haven't seen you in so long" he says shaking my hand

"I know" I say looking up at him he wasn't too much taller than me he was 6 feet tall though

"Okay guys ones not the time for a fucking meet and greet when our friend is MISSING!" Athena yells tears in her eyes

"Babe come outside with me" Alex says rubbing her back

"I'm sorry about her we are just all really worried" Xander says

"It's okay now explain to me what exactly happened" he pulls out his notepad

"I'll let Ryder tell you since I still don't know too Much about it" Xander nods at me signaling to talk. I explain everything from the morning I woke up to now. Somewhere between then he had called more officers because they came.

"Okay don't worry right now we are gonna search the area just Incase of anything you know..." his voice trailing off not wanting to say it. I nod understanding we walk outside but notice a car trying to reverse.

"THOMAS!" I yell. He stops his car getting out "how did you get here!"

"I just um came to get something" he nods

"Here? How did you even know this place was here" Alex asks crossing his arms

"Lyrical's phone" he says quickly before letting out a sigh. As soon as her name left his mouth I instantly got defensive

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