Chapter Thirty ~ Patton

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{Possible trigger warnings: a bit of swearing, throwing things, 

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}


          DadJokesINC Uploaded: The Roommate Face-Off (Joke Wars)

          "Oh. My. GOODNESS! This was so much fun! I'm so happy to have finally had my stoic roommate Logan on for this to see his sense of humor, because I know he has one. Go check him out, link below!"


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Patton: Heya Kiddos! It's your good old fun loving father figure back with another Joke Wars challenge!

[Patton sits in a chair in the center of the screen, grinning]

Patton: You guys know that Joke Wars videos are one of my favorite things to do, because I get to tell as many jokes as I can think of, as well as learn new ones from my friends I'm competing against. 

[Several photos displayed onscreen: screenshots from Patton's previous Joke Wars videos]

Patton: Today I think it's going to be especially fun because my guest is a notoriously serious and straight-laced person.

Logan, offscreen: The way you say that makes it sound as if it's bad.

Patton: No no no, that's not how I meant it at all!

[Patton reaches off screen, pulling Logan into frame]

Patton: Logan's here today!

[Cheering sound effects and confetti onscreen]

Patton: I just think it's gonna be really fun having you here because you rarely make jokes around the apartment! I want to see what your style of humor is.

[Patton grins at Logan, who shrugs]

Logan: I simply find that what I find amusing generally does not match up with what others find amusing, so I keep the occasional outburst to myself.

Patton: Well it's time to stop that, because this channel is all jokes all the time- sorry!

[Patton throws his hands in the air, nearly knocking Logan in the face with his elbow. He gasps and pulls his arms in quickly, giggling]

Logan: I suppose we will see what others think of my jokes today. Though I know you are quite adept at puns, whereas I am... not.

[Logan adjusts his glasses]

Patton: Yay! Okay so how this works is, we'll flip a coin to see who goes first. We go back and forth telling jokes, and every time one of us laughs the other one gets a point.

[Little scorecards pop up in the corners of the screen]

Logan: Are we counting laughter at our own jokes?

Patton: Well- actually, that's a good question.

[Patton stops, staring off at nothing while he thinks. Logan raises his eyebrows]

Patton: No, let's just count laughing at each other. Ame can keep track of you and Roman can keep track of me. Say hi guys!

[Patton gestures offscreen]

Roman, offscreen: Hello to you all, Ladies, Lords, and Non-Binary Royalty!

Ame, offscreen: 'Sup.

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