Chapter Fifty-One ~ Logan

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{Possible trigger warnings: none that I see but

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"Roman, sweetheart, are you alright?" Logan paused as he walked out of the kitchen with his mug of coffee.

He hadn't even noticed his boyfriend sprawled on the couch the first time he walked past.

"I'm having a bad day!" Roman groaned, throwing an arm over his face. "I hate creator's block."

Logan frowned and took a sip from his mug before setting it down on the counter.

"Sit up, Ro."

"No. I am going to lie here and wallow in mixed self-hatred and self-pity."

Logan rolled his eyes. Roman could be incredibly dramatic.

He walked over to the couch and took Roman's hands, pulling his boyfriend up into a sitting position. Roman whined loudly and scrunched his face up.

"Is there anything I can do to help? We could go do something... couple related? A date or-"

Roman suddenly peeked an eye open. "Take a nap with me."

Logan raised an eyebrow, chuckling. "Well as far as bonding goes, that's not a horrible idea."

"Really?" The beauty vlogger frowned curiously. "How?"

"Physical contact like that, especially for long periods, can help your brain stimulate chemicals that help with trust. Didn't you notice it when Patton woke us up the night we watched that movie?" Logan asked.

Roman paused, thinking back. "I didn't... but I guess I kind of do now. Huh."

"How about this." Logan stood up. "Why don't we go into my room and cuddle. You can talk about whatever you need to, anything you need to get off your chest, or any ideas you need to figure out. Then I'll talk about anything I think of that I need to. And then we'll take a nap."

He was surprised to see Roman's eyes fill with tears a little. "Logan... that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever suggested to me."

"Oh. Er, well. Would you like to?"

Roman scrambled to his feet, wiping his eyes quickly. "Yes! Hold on, I've got a big, fluffy blanket, I'll go grab it."  

Logan blinked a few times as his boyfriend ran down the hall. He retrieved his coffee and went to his room to make sure his bed was made.

It was, so Logan hauled one of his own blankets out of his storage trunk. 

"Okay, this is the best blanket ever. My mother bought it for me years ago, and I take super good care of it." Roman entered the room with a large, fluffy bundle of fabric in his arms.

Logan smiled and gestured to the bed. "I'll let you get situated first."

It took them a few minutes to figure out how they were going to cuddle. Eventually Logan ended up on his back, with Roman tucked against his side and with his head on Logan's shoulder.

"You can go first." Logan told him as he gently ran his fingers through Roman's hair. "Anything you need to talk about."

"I've got this idea for a video, but no matter how many times I try to work through it it doesn't work." Roman launched into a rant about his creator's block. "It's so annoying, I can't figure out what I'm missing! The parts work separately, but not when I put them all together!"

Logan listened quietly as his boyfriend complained, talking through the separate parts of whatever he was trying to do. It sounded like a sort of cosplay involved makeup tutorial. 

He didn't understand everything Roman was talking about, but he listened carefully and tried to figure out any way he could help.

"Perhaps you could make some sort of headpiece instead of trying to attach all the pieces with... you said you were using a liquid latex?"

Roman nodded, then paused. "I didn't think of that... I'd have to look into it a lot more. I've never done that before."

"Perhaps I could help you. It could make a good research review video as well as helping you with your content."

"You'd really do that for me?" Roman smiled up at him.

"Of course I would. What would make you think otherwise?"

Roman shrugged and Logan pressed a kiss to his forehead softly. His boyfriend blushed and he chuckled.

"Okay, I'm done complaining... your turn to talk." The beauty vlogger murmured after a few moments. "What do you need to get off your chest?"

Logan thought about it for a moment. He hadn't gone into this thinking he needed to talk about something but... no, there was something.

"Mom and I have been working on getting our relationship back to what it was before my parents' divorce. It's been... harder than we anticipated."

Roman looked up, frowning. "It's not because of me, is it?"

"No." Logan assured him. "She's quite happy that I've found someone, she couldn't care less that I'm not straight. Other issues have come up."

"Like what?"

Logan sighed and began to explain the pothole filled road to his and his mother's relationship. She'd never been overly interested in his occupation, because he was clearly paying bills on time, but once he'd seen her again after the court date she'd started to ask more questions.

She wasn't happy that he was self employed, and kept telling him she worried about him. Logan tried to ignore it when she would bring it up, but it was starting to grate on his nerves.

"The problem is, we've always had a very open family relationship. She's already noticed that something is off, and I got rather snappish when she asked about it. I have a feeling I'm going to have to sit down with her and talk it out, which can be time consuming and tiring." Logan sighed.

"If anyone could get that figured out, it would be you." Roman smiled up at him. Logan felt something flutter softly in his chest.

"I can't think of any way I'd be able to help, but if you know something I can do for you don't hesitate to let me know." His boyfriend added.

"I will, but don't overly concern yourself with it." Logan told him gently. "Think we're ready to take a nap?"

Roman answered with a huge yawn, then they both laughed.

{I'm seeing Pentatonix tomorrow!!! And y'all have no clue when 'tomorrow' is because you don't know when I wrote this lol

well if you follow me on Instagram (, come say hi) you probably remember it but otherwise it's a MYYYYSTERY}

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