Chapter Forty-Nine ~ Virgil

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{Possible trigger warnings: some cursing - censored as always, some talking about stress/anxiety, playing a game involving a bomb

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}


          AmethystHailstorm uploaded: Keep Talking With Logan (Improbable_Theorems)

          "My roommate and I are the only two home today, so naturally we spent the afternoon in our separate rooms recording. Enjoy or whatever."


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Ame: 'Sup Hailstones. Remember how I told you guys you'd be getting the occasional facecam video? Well here ya go.

[Ame's facecam is lower left, Logan's is upper right]

Ame: Logan and I are gonna play Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes today. I figured he'd be better to play it with than the other two and we just happen to be home together today.

Logan: If I might ask, why am I more suited for this than the others?

[Logan adjusts his glasses, Ame shrugs]

Ame: Well I think Roman would get too stressed out. He also gets distracted as hell at the slightest thing. And Patton would freak out, games like this aren't his forte.

Logan: Fair enough.

[Game loads]

Logan: So explain how this works.

Ame: Alright. One of us is going to have a bomb. One will have a manual that tells us how to diffuse it. That's why we have to record in different rooms, so we can't cheat. The one of us with the bomb will have to describe what's on it and the other has to try and figure out which part of the manual needs to be used.

[Ame picks multiplayer mode]

Ame: So to start, I'll go with the bomb, since I've played this before. Do you want to do an easy one or go up a little?

Logan: Why don't we start with something in the middle, that way I can gauge their difficulty spectrum.

Ame: Hell yeah, I can do that.

[Ame picks a mid-level bomb]

Ame: We've got three minutes for four puzzles. Think we can do that?

Logan: I don't see why not. It will just take a lot of concentration on our part.

Ame: We've got this.


Ame: Alright so I've got the four puzzles. Which one should we do first?

Logan: Whichever seems easiest.

Ame: I see wires. Let's start with that.

[Ame rotates the bomb to look at the wires]

Ame: I've got four wires.

Logan: Alright...

Ame: First two are yellow, then a red, then a white.

Logan: Cut the last wire.

[Ame pauses]

Ame: Really?

Logan: Yes.

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