#189- hun no

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So I was having a convo with this girl one grade younger than me in my music class and we were talking about 5sos and the conversation basically went like this;

"Wait 5sos?"




"they're that boy band that don't care about their fans...right?"

*chokes on spit* *smile fades away* say what now?

"Yeah...I heard about them...one of the singers posted a nude..."


"why do you like them? i mean like they had sex w/ one of their fans and only cares about sex and money...plus their music is kinda aight but it's not really the best i've heard. i guess their cute and trying to look edgy??"

 ._. how do you-.... ok can i just say something?

"whatever. i don't really like them but you can so it's fine. and their fandom is kinda scary tbh and dramatic in my opinion. i'm mostly in the 1D fandom. they always say you can't be in two fandoms so i was like what the hell?"

O_O *blood boils up*

"oh i gotta get to class bye."

*fights the urge to grab the chair and smack it at her*

I CANNOT BELIEVE SHE SAID THOSE LIES WHERE DID SHE HEAR THAT THEY HAD SEX WITH THEIR FANS?? WUT??  I CAN'T EVEN. then again sometimes it can be true since they boys are changing.. i hate her tho. i thought she was nice and now she's just so damnsfdsgvf

5sos shiz [2k14 summer edition]Where stories live. Discover now