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The Devil

Abashed the Devil stood,
And felt how awful goodness is.
-Paradise Lost

I don't think I've ever felt so small, or so alone.

I sit in a human circle which contains random people, I know all their names. They go to my school, but now most of them are unreasonably drunk.

My best friend sits beside me, giggling for no reason.

Her crush sits almost across from her, Calum Hilton is his name. 

He's our school's star boy, our golden soccer goalie and he has been drinking like no tomorrow. 

So everything as usual.

Jessamine drinks as well, as I'm the one that controls her.

I don't drink.

I don't trust myself enough,

More then that I don't trust the people around me.

His best friend, coincidentally, is the school's bad boy.

The top striker for our soccer team.

He sits across from me in the circle. 

Xavier Wolf is, true to his name, feral.

The wild smirk never leaves his face, the blue orbs are too observational and steady. They're not just eyes to him, they're tools. 

I hate how they look at me and feel as if I'm actually being seen for the first time.

We're partners in photography, it's how Jessie met Calum. He told her to call him Cal after she offered him a lap dance at a party. 

It's also how we met.

Because his partner ditched him our teacher made us sit together and be each others new partners. At first I was scared.

His body is so much bigger then mine and takes up more then half of the bench. He always scowls, and neither of us talk. He just trails behind me and watches me take pictures. 

And when he touches me -He's so warm. 

It's like fire is marking my skin without the flames, and I can always feel his heat through my clothes.

Often, it makes me shiver.

The game we're planning is called Spinning Murder.

It's like a epic game of Spin The Bottle, but instead of kissing- -kissing can still happen- -the first party game called out is played between the two people until one gives up.

I've seen Truth Or Dare go on for weeks, and 7 Minutes In Heaven last hours. 

I've seen Spin The Bottle lead to bedrooms and Would You Rather result in punches. 

I've seen Beer Pong end with hospitals and Strip Poker turn into photo's that got people suspended. 

And yet I play it every time.

I've got landed on before, and all times I was the unexpected winner. People still don't remember my name. 

Truth Or Dare with Shelby Andres -who quit a hour after it started. 

Never Have I Ever- -with the twist being if you haven't done it before you will and if you did you drink- -with Wilson Smith who lost easily withing the night. 

Beer Pong with Stephen Macklen who passed out on the table after two hours of constantly losing. He was already drunk.

Strip Poker where I refused to let James Palms touch me, as he already had a habit to grab asses and grope boobs. I won.

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