Din Djarin | Blurrgs

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maybe i should've started a mando book. idc tho, it's my book, so what if it's only mando from here on >:(
... do i even have to specify child/little reader anymore

"Listen here, kid. Just for a second."

Having had a fairly good day so far, you put away the toy immediately without talking back and looked up at Din.

"We're good for a while, we've got enough credits to go on a little trip. Whatever you want."

That's easy.
"I wanna ride a blurrg!", you shouted happily.

Din sighed, "You know that's too dangerous, (Y/N). I've already promised you, we'll ride blurrgs together, when you're a bit bigger."

"But..", you tried real hard not to let any tears well up. "But you said whatever I want. Why do you always say whatever I want and then I never get to do it, it's not fair-"

"Hey- hey, come here."
Din hauled you into his arms.
"You know I'd give you everything you wanted in the whole galaxy, but even I can't protect you from everything."

"You don't have to, 'm big. I can look out for myself", you sniffled.

Din chuckled, "I know you can, you're my little warrior. I just can't help it sometimes. We'll let Kuiil decide, he knows the blurrgs better than I do. How's that sound?"


After Din had explained your wish, his concerns and almost begged Kuiil to say no, the Ugnaught took one very thoughtful look at you and declared, "The young one is ready."

"But-", Din started, probably prepared to hold an entire monologue on the dangers of letting you even close to a blurrg.

"I have spoken."

And so it was settled, that in the morning your training on how to ride a blurrg would begin.
Din probably would've liked it better, to give you some sort of armour, but Kuiil reassured him that you would be just fine without one.


It had taken you all morning long, to get the blurrg to let you stay on top of her, but you had been patient and calm the whole time. Once she was comfortable with you mounting her, she very quickly let you guide her with your feet.

"Look, Din, look!", you yelled happily. The blurrg was patiently letting you squirm around on top of her, unbothered by your enthusiasm.
Both Kuiil and Din stood outside of the fence, finally letting you ride the blurrg all by yourself.
"Din! Look! I'm doing it!"

"I can see that, good job, kid", Din chuckled. Only now he relaxed a bit, let go of the fence, after realizing that he didn't have to be able to jump it in the matter of seconds.

"When do I get to go on a tour with you?", you asked, excited to jump across the landscape on the back of your blurrg together with Din and Kuiil.

"(Y/N)..", Din started, but Kuiil cut in again, making Din visibly concerned.

"Now, now, young (Y/N). We will ride across the cliffs soon enough. For now, my farm will be just fine for you to ride the blurrg."
Din visibly relaxed again.

"But..", you started, ready to fire off your arguments why you were already able to go with Din and Kuiil.

"I have spoken."

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