Chapter 4: The Third Letter

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I dreamt of you last night. I find it remarkable that even in my dreams you are still the realist person I know. I love that about you. You came into my dream and I was so happy to see you alive. It is nothing personal but you always a dead man in my dreams. I even said “ it’s a wonder you not dead” and we just talked all day it was nice for once, my dream.

I’d invite you to invade my dreams all the time. You are a much more respectable guest then some of the other’s who has come to invade. It is my first dream with you in it alive and I want to remember it forever. It seems that I had already forgotten it though. I don’t really care that I don’t remember the dream. What matters is that you were there. You were alive. You weren’t in any trouble. You just came because you wanted to see me. That to me was so pure I felt no wonder it was a dream.

You might not think that it is  weird. To me this dream was weird but in a nice way not in a creepy way like all my others we talk about.

It was weird because I kept expecting you die at any moment, for something bad to occur but nothing happened it was so peaceful yet I was so on edge. You were amazing though.

You made a joke out of how I was worrying. You kept telling me that I should stop being difficult. You then you reminded me that I said I would make it easier for you from now on.

Then I reminded you that was in the real world were imagination is just imagination and in my dreams we play at a whole different game. There’s the Apocalypse, the house at the end of the street, my dreams are a catastrophe.

I guess I like that. You made it some what odd. You made the environment of my dream tranquil. It was kind of cute the environment. The weather and the scenery was breath taking.

I hadn’t believe that I could, my mind could draw up something so pure, so peaceful, so pretty yet so predictable. You remind me that under all my drama I am still just a mere girl.

That I can be soft. That I can be gentle. That I want something pure, pretty and predictable. It’s weird that you make me realise all this things about myself.

You told me in my dream that I deserve a little peace before Friday comes. So I guess you are my calm before the storm.

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