Chapter 44: My Last Letter

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This is it. My last letter. I have said enough. And refuse to say more. I mean I have nothing more I want to say to you.

You know everything by now. I have told you my whole life story. Everything I said to you is the truth. I love you so much my brain refuse to guess or to try and figure out the reason for my behaviour when anything so much as touch you.

You are my everything. You are my whole world. You are my lifeline. You are my truth. You are my inspiration. You are hero. You are my strength. You are weakness. You are my pain. You are my happiness. You are my joy. You are my irrational. You are the one I love the most.

I love you too much. I love you unconditionally. I loved you with knowing. I trust you with everything. With my fears. With my desires. OK not all my desires.
I can’t help myself. Sometimes I hate that I can’t control  how I feel. Sometimes it hurts loving you so much. But I am going to be real here. I hate to love you. But I also need to love you. I love you for myself and nobody else. And that I love is so pure. So pure I need it.

I still find it difficult to believe that you, yourself is not just one of my fantasy’s. You are a hundred percent real.

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