Chapter 9: The Eighth Letter

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This past few days has been hard for me. It has most definitely been hard for you too. I hope that yours was not as hard as mine. I will always say it is hard being a girl because it always seems as though whole world is against them.

But in all honesty just like being a girl is hard I try my best to understand that being a boy in this world is not all sunshine and rainbows, they also have their own set of troubles, I understand that it is always the world that seems to be pressuring you.

It is the world that is wrong, it moves all wrong but we are just forced to roll with the punches, forced to move on like nothing is wrong with the world. We can sit and pretend our whole life. But each and every person living feels like the world is cruel. Everyone is affected by the world but we can’t blame the world, the world can never be wrong.

So shut the hell up because we can’t change a damn thing about the way the world moves. It is beyond repair. And I am a bitch. I am the worst person and I don’t give a fuck about shit because I am this morbid emo girl that has weird a style and I just don’t give a fuck.

I never moved with the world. I might not be mean but I am a cold hearted bitch. I speak all this kind words.

I lie to make myself feel better but in all honesty I don’t even give a shit about myself. I don’t care that I die tomorrow. I don’t care that I live tomorrow. What is the point?

Nothing I say will change how the world moves. Nothing I write will change shit. We are just suck. We are suck and it is fucked up.

Some days are better then others. And dreams don’t come true. This is not a fairy tale. The dark forest is real. And the only escape is never an option so all you can do is hope for the best.

Maybe I’m just scared. Maybe I am scared to fuck with the world. Because the world has pissed me off so far. And I have done nothing to it, I never did anything. Imagine what would happen if I actually fucked with it and I feel sorry for the people who did so.

I am lying don’t give a fuck. I may not be a bad person but I am a hundred percent certain I am a bitch and I am not even remotely sorry about.

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