Chapter 15: The Letter To The Best Friend Stealer

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I know that you are not scared of my petty little threats. And I consider you lucky. Because it means one of three options, option A, you don’t get to see me everyday and you really don’t know how crazy I am, option B , you are a real confident person and also every proud which I’ll have you know is qualities I do not however possess, option C, all of the above.

This letter is not a threat or a warning letter because you have already provided me with enough reason to hate you. I am truly sorry, I do not mean to hate you. It just comes with the jealousy. I hate you because I am jealous. It is not difficult for anyone to reach this level with me. Not difficult at all I made a list. And I have even sort listed that list. You have been sort listed because you are a brave soul, you dared to challenge me. And I do not back out of a challenge. You might not be scared but I know no limits when it comes to my best friend. I am jealous because I feel threatened.

Believe me when I say I am not the kind of girl to ask why me, I’m the one who says try me. Try me, we are strangers now. Challenge my friendship with your wrong expectations.

He can be whatever you want him be. Call him whatever you want to, call him friend, brother, bae, sweetheart, cuteness, sexy or whatever but you will not call you bestie, besto, best friend or anything remotely close to that and I forget who you are and what I know about you. Call him baby, damn, hot mess, number one guy and I’ll lose my shit in a way you have never experienced before.

I am truly sorry that you are not scared because I will get scared for you, I’m nice like that if I am jealous. I get negative. I curse you. I curse you worst then I curse Taylor Swift.

The sight of your name and I’ll curse you all over again and I have heard a lot of these stories about what happens to people who are wished bad upon. So I’ll be scared for you if you are not scared because I need help.

You might honestly just have the same likes and dislikes as myself but because you planted the seed of jealousy in my mind. I’ll feel more threatened my mind will tell me that you are trying to copy me, to became me to get his attention. You might not get his attention but you most certainly will receive mine.

I am sorry I am not one to let go of anything. I am sorry that I am not the one to play forgive and forget. I’m sorry but right there is where I cut you out of my life.

Block, delete, unfriend whether you stay in his life or not is your choice. I’d prefer if you stay in your lane but it was so difficult for you I just had to kick you out of mine. He is my bestie, my number one guy, baby is just wrong and sickening.

Only I call him, damn and hot mess so bitch fuck out of my lane what’s mine is mine and only mine with a few exceptions.

And from now on words I don’t like you and if I ever did like you before I don’t remember it.

I fought with everything I had in me to stay with him and I refuse to be insulted by you doing what you did. I love you only for the sake of Allah.

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