Chapter 38: The Thirty Fifth Letter

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I get mad at you. I get so mad at you. I get mad at you for no reason. You fool. I am crazy. I am never really in my senses. I never really have a sound mind.

I get insecure sometimes. I get so insecure sometimes. How could I not get insecure? I know you are amazing. I mean I see how amazing you are. And if I see it then many other should.

I always  think that you found someone to replace me. I always feel that someone is trying to replace me in your life.

But I am here for you regardless. Those replacements put me down. But I don’t love you any less. I really don’t like them.

Do this new jelly beans make you forget about me? Do those disoriented tomatoes take up all your time? Do those deflated mushrooms discourage you from holding any relation with me?

I understand. I understand that you don’t have time. I understand that you don’t see life like I do. I understand that you see the full picture. I understand that I just see your life through a glass mirror.

I use to see it all. I use to experience it with you. I use to go through everything with you. I use to able to see your life as it is.

Not just a reflection of it. Not just a trick of the light. Not just the refraction of it. Not just what you want me to see.

So I will get mad. I will insecure. I will get irritated. I will frustrated. I will get stressed. I will get aggravated. I will get sad. I will get loud. I will even get silent.

But I will never leave your stupid ass. I will stop loving you. I will never stop caring for you. I will try my best to always be your number one. I will be a great asset to you.

And you will never regret having me as your best friend.

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