Chapter 42: The Thirty Ninth Letter

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You are such a bitch you know that. I am just saying how I feel. I am telling you how I feel in this letter because I know that you will not be able to take it if I had messaged you last night.

You of all people should know how easy it is for me to break your heart into a million  pieces. You of all people should know that I have the power to crush your spirit. You of all people should know I have the ability to rip your heart out and paint it black. You of all people should how it hurts when I have to force you to let me go. You of all people should know that I had helped you build yourself up and I can take you down with just a few unsaid words. You know all of this.

You are such a bitch sometimes. You make me feel like I’m troubling you. You tell me I ruin your mood. You don’t even know this affects me.

Bitch, I’m sorry I got issues. I have problems a lot of problems. And I can’t coming running to you. Bitch, I’ve been there for you. Bitch, you are my best friend. Bitch, if I have problems I want to complain about them to you. You are such a bitch but I forgive you.

I wish I could remove myself from you sometimes. Just because you call me troublesome. I wish a lot of things. I wish I didn’t miss us being together. I wish I could get a reaction out of you. A very cute much like a dream reaction out of you.

You love me. I know. You don’t ever want me to leave you. I know. But I push you. I know. You are not as bad as I paint you out to be. I know. You are way better than I describe you to be.

I have to step back. I have to breathe. I have to remember what I told myself at the beginning of the year. I have to remember that their problems are my problems and my problems are mine alone.

Wish me the best of luck, Bitch. I love you.

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