Chapter 18: A Letter To The World

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If you are reading this I am either dead or famous. If the former I would like to thank my best friend for fighting for my memory card after my death, which reminds me that I have to tell him if I die before finishing this personal mission of myself that he should get memory card because I don’t trust these people with my work. If the latter then good for me. OK back to the topic.

I have something to say to the world something that you probably heard before. So listen dear whoever. Yes, I am speaking with you. Stop trying to marry me off to my best friend. It just don’t work like that.

Yes, I love him. Yes, he is an angel in my eyes. Yes, he makes me smile like an idiot most of the time. Yes, he loves me. Yes, we happy spending time together. Yes, we fight. Yes, we get jealous when there’s a third party or maybe that’s only me.

I love my best friend. He is my everything. He is my world. He is my life. He is my happiness. He is special to me.

I would lie for him. I would die for him. I would cry for him. I would walk through hell with him not for him that nigga better not leave me alone in hell. I will be there for him always you can bet on that.

But please guys you getting this all wrong. I  am not in love with him. We have not fallen for each other. We just will not allow our bond to break.

I will say this again do not expect my best friend and I to get married. Wake up because this is life you can’t just sing a song and all your aspired little dreams come true. Because we most definitely are not dreaming the same dream.

Wait perhaps you need help, maybe I can draw you a map to the twenty first century because you are clearly lost in the past if you think that my relation with my best friend is more then just a friend, ok.

He is my brother that I never had. Don’t tell me about this, that and the other because I have heard it all. Believe what you want I have said what I wanted. And please do grow up.

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