Chapter 34: The Thirty First Letter

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You are too cute. I’ll never tell you in person. Too many already do. I can’t believe you. Like you exist. You exist in my life. You are too cute to exist in my life.

I thought you to be selfish. But I thought wrong. You were not being selfish. You were just being my best friend. You were just being my number one guy. You were just being too cute. You were just being my Uzair.

I thought you forget about me. I thought wrong. I was wrong. You were thinking of me. I was so wrong. I am sorry. I am always assuming things. You know this. You are too cute but I will never tell you in person.

I had cursed you. I had thought you to be selfish. I had felt that you forgot about me. I thought wrong. I felt wrong. I should have never cursed you. I was wrong. I was dead wrong.

But you. You are too cute. You are too cute to exist in my life. But you do. You do exist in my life. I am glad. I am glad that you are a part of my life. A part of me. A part of everything I do. I am glad you exist. Always stay cute.

But you. You were wrong. You thought wrong. You felt wrong. You were dead wrong too. You were being cute. You  were being too cute. But you were wrong. You were dead wrong. You should have told me. It would have been better for me if I knew. I would have worried less. You were cute. But you were wrong. You thought of me. But you were wrong. I would have stressed a whole lot less if I knew what happened. But you thought of me and I am glad.

We were both wrong. We were both dead wrong.

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