Chapter 27: The twenty Fourth Letter

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I am so frustrated. My eye is twitching. I want to scream. What have I done? Did I mess up again? This twitch is irritating. I message your mom. She left me on read. Did I say something wrong? I hope not. I don’t know why this is happening I thought it had been a good idea. I message her. She tells me you fine. I’m happy and can sleep again. Or I message her and she tell me you not okay.

I had planned a conversion. You know a dialogue. But I didn’t plan there to be no script at all. I’m scared. I’m really, really scared.

I hope you alright. But your mom had replied. She said you are not really alright. I shouldn’t have taken so long to ask but I’m glad I did ask today.

I am trying not to shake. Please don’t be dying.

But she said not really fine so may it is just emotionally. She said she tell me later. Even though I would like to know now. I’ll have to wait.
At least she trusts me. I’m still worried I had a feeling. But I’m not going to cry, at least not now. I will hope for the best. I really am scared. I just have to breathe in the mean time. As long as I can breathe I will have hope.

Even if… no. I will not cry yet. Not crying until I am certain that it is serious. I still have hope. Hope is all I need.

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