Chapter 41: The Thirty Eight Letter

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This jelly beans have a death wish, I swear. I don’t like them. They make me moody. Like why the fuck do I have to share you? Who are they man? Why do I evens get so jealous? What the fuck don’t they understand? Do they want to be on my bad side?

Why the fuck do I have to share you? I will tell you now. Because I have no choice. Yeah, yeah, I know, everybody’s got a choice. I choice to be nice. Even though I hate this I choose to be nice. Like them jelly beans better be grateful. You like them. So now I must share. I don’t want you to die of boredom.

Who are they man? I don’t the fuck know. That’s why I refer to them as the jelly beans. They like your company. You like their company. They are your friends. I sometimes wish them to get the fuck out of your life. Other times I’m glad you have them. Mostly I’m jealous they have you too.

Why do I evens get so jealous? I will tell you. I don’t like them. They see more of you then I do. I can only see what you are willing to show me. They get exclusives. I get what I get. Seeing you is rare nowadays. I don’t mind. But I don’t like that they see more of you. They can  get closer to you.

What the fuck don’t they understand? I miss you. I am possessive. I am obsessive. I am needy. I am irritating. When I want to talk to you. I don’t what interference. I am self when it comes to my Uzair. I don’t want them to have you.

Do they want to be on my bad  side? Probably. I don’t blame them. You are the shit. I love you. I don’t want to lose you.

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