Chapter 36: The Thirty Third Letter

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Yep. My problems are a whole lot smaller then yours. But I miss complaining to you about everything. And tomorrow I'm going to have to listen to these people treat us like a joke. Do you know how hard that is for me?

And I have to pretend that I don't hear what they say just so I don't say something rude. And I hear everything they say. They treat us like a joke Uzair. And its really getting to me.

Damn. This is a lot. I'm not going to send this to you. You going through shit. I'll not send this message. I love you. I'll just copy it over to the letter. I love you. You could read this soon, when you have time.

This message was so raw. I know I'm going to have to do a lot of editing on this one. I really hate bothering you when I know your problems are far bigger then my fear of being alone.

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