Chapter 6: The Fifth Letter

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Oh my god. You going to university tomorrow and I am so excited for you. I think the fact that you are nervous is cute sometimes I think I am your mom. For real, I feel that I can only do so much for you, well it is true.

I can only do so much for you and oh I do love babying you. I always want to be by your side see you through your every step. I want to help you through your every mistake.

But I am not always around and it doesn’t even scare me not even a second. I trust that you will know how too handle situations because I am not your mommy. And in this five years you only proved to be an idiot all the time. You always choose the wrong people but hey the important thing is that you are my idiot. And my idiot has a big heart and is kind and I am not scared of you getting hurt by people that you think you can trust. I am not because I know that you know that you don’t need them.

Yes, you going to hurt but that hurt is only temporary and that I will always make a way, make a way too make you feel better. You can trust me on that because the fact is that people hurt everyone hurts. I can be creepily optimistic at times of hurt but I will know when to keep my mouth shut.

You so nervous I find it completely cute. But I prefer you when you are being a hot mess. I prefer when you at that point where you just pretend not to care anymore when you trying to convince yourself that you are good that you will be fine and that there is nothing left for you to worry about or at least that is what I think is going on in that idiotic brain of yours.

I like it. I like it when you like that. I think it’s hot. I think that you could get away with everything when you like that . I really like it I tell you all the time that I like you must be a hot mess. It is so attractive for real but I am going to shut up now before you get a big head.

We cool . 

You going to kill it at university because you are awesome and loved and kind and all the goodness in the world and as your mom, sister, brother, dad, friend I couldn’t be more proud. It feels like just yesterday we said our first words too each other. Is it weird I still remember them? OK, I’m lying again it went like “ you like houses, I like doors.” Then we walked home, just like that our friendship bloomed and that’s the flower that we got to protect.

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