Chapter 7 : The Sixth Letter

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Well… I got news, whispers, funny thing actually today I was praying that I actually had something thing to tell you in this letter well that’s not the funny thing, the funny thing is that I have something to tell you but I kind of don’t know how. So I am going to try my best really.

I was almost shot today. Like I could have died. Whack. Whack is all I can think of describing this situation. I didn’t want to tell you but it is not the first time. Two days ago was the first time I was actually almost shot. But luckily knowing smart IT guy helps a lot.

Two days ago was the first time I was almost shot at. Well I will not scare you with the graphics because I can’t be every descriptive and you know this. Anyway that day I was doing what I always do. Well kind of always do. I stayed up till late. I had not forgotten the time though.

It was 1:15 am when it happened, the first time well I was up like always. I was on the floor charging my phone like always.

But this time it was different. I was different. I was doing something different. I was reciting. Like I planned to do. I planned to recite, this year, complete it, this year. But I guess it made me a legend.

Everyone is talking about how lucky I am that I was reciting and bullet couldn’t harm me because of the angles that were around to protect me because of my recitation. I was saved but was I really? Did I want to be saved?

The answer is no. I will tell you later why. But for now let me finish the story. I am glad that I was saved though even though I did not want to be. I was glad that I was saved though because if I wasn’t I would not have been able to be with you for your first day of university and I would have regretted that but I have to go on with what happened today.

I must confess to the fact that I was never going to let you know about this if it did not happen a second time. I am telling you now because I fear I might actually get shot the third time you need to be ready for it because I don’t know if I am.

So here goes part two it happened 25 minutes ago at 11:50 PM and I didn’t recite yet but I did recite yesterday. And I was outside when it happened no four wall to protect me. I didn’t even have my sight. I went out blind without my glasses. I didn’t even see the gangsters walking with the gun but lucky for me I wasn’t alone this time.

You know how I like my midnight strolls. And you know that I always go outside alone but today I was not alone, hell I was with Yusuf because he didn’t want to go alone outside.

Even though I wanted to be shot. He stopped it. He was my eyes but I’m glad I was saved because I still have to ask you about your job interview tomorrow. So I have been prolonging this. Why didn’t I want to be saved?

The answer is stupid and only a fool would understand and I don’t think you will understand. Just like I don’t regret being saved. I would not have regretted being shot because there is this small hope. This extremely small but necessary hope that I would see you again.

And I am not even shocked that I would want to take a bullet just to see you. To talk with you. And that is why this whole situation is whack. And FAM you earned yourself one whack friend. I made no mistake with my words you earned me, my friend you made me want to be apart of your life.

It was not luck alone that pulls me in your direction. It was you. It was always you. And it has only ever been you. So please stop lying to yourself because you deserve me. You deserve me or else I wouldn’t be here or be wanting you in my life if I didn’t feel that you are special to me .

knowing just how to love youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें