~Danger Escaped~

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"Well who is it Y/n!"

I need to think of a lie. Don't panic!
"I-i uhm did this to m-myself!"

Wait no! Was that all i could think of!
I suck at lying.
"What?" Jimin's expression changed into a worried one.

"No you would never hurt yourself right?"
I didn't say anything i don't wanna repeat the awful stupid lie.

"Its my fault isn't it."

Even if i did do this to myself it never could've been his fault.

"No Jimin... It was just an accident i got out of my car and wanted to close the car door but my wrist was between the door and the car."

I could've said this in the first place.
*mentally slaps herself*

"Really! Are you okay!"
He touched my wrist very carefully and i winched in pain.
"Careful Jimin please."

"Well what happened to your shoulder then?"I forgot about that.
"I uhm i-i slipped and fell hard on my back that's why there is a big bruise on my back."

He didn't even see my back. Why did i say that. He didn't even know!

"Your back? I thought it was only your shoulder let me see."
I wanted to stop him but didn't i didn't want him to think i was hiding something.

"But Jimin i- He lifted up my sweater
He unhooked my bra... Where is this going!?

"Jimin!! What are you doing!"
He didn't answer me and just froze.
"How hard did you fall! Your back looks painful!"

He just ignored the fact that he unhooked my bra and was staring at my back!
"Well duhh ofcourse it hurts but i didn't think it would be that bad."

I felt a soft kiss on my back and it sent shivers through my whole body.
I felt my face warming up and i started feeling sweaty.

That was very random. W-What is going on all of a sudden?

But it didn't stop there he started leaving kisses all over my back and then in my neck.

Just when i thought he was the only guy that didn't made a big deal out of seeing my bra...
"I'm not doing this because i saw your  bra... You just have these awful bruises." Jimin whispered.

What is this mood?!

I wanted to stop it but i couldn't i ignored my back pain and actually enjoyed the kisses.

Why am i enjoying it! It's my bestfriend I I can't do this!

But even though i thought that i didn't stop it. I turned around and hang my head back to give him space.

He stopped and looked in my eyes...
His beautiful dark eyes, I think they are the most beautiful in this moment.

Probably because of the mood.

His face was so close that i felt his lips slightly touching mine and his hot breath on my face.
Just when we were about to kiss i heard the phone ringing.

Jimin sighed and i rushed over to the phone my heart beating out of my chest because of what just happened.

"H-hello?" I say catching my breath.
"Y/n is this you? I had to report that Taehyung escaped!" I hear Namjoon say panicking.

"WAIT What?!" I yell shocked.
"The people that are not at work have to stay home it's to dangerous."

"O-okay b-"
Namjoon:"Sorry i have to go if you see Taehyung or Jimin please report it."

Mental Illness||Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now