The Artsy, Shy Type:Prologue

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Prologue: The rain brings back so many memories

"Mom! Dad! Look what I found!" I yelled excitingly. I dashed towards the park bench they sat on.

"What is it dear?" mom asked as I held out my palms. I light, green colored rose laid upon my hands.

"Where did you find that?" Dad asked with a smile. "Most roses aren't that color."

I pointed to a big oak tree. "I found it near that tree over there!" My dad stood up and ruffled my wavy, blonde hair.

" Can you show me and mom where the green roses are?" I nodded and trotted towards the tree.

I flew passed it to a bush. "Over here!" I waved my hand in the air. They followed me and examined the bush.

" I still don't understand how the roses turned green, it's not natural," dad stated.

"Even so, they're still beautiful. Right Alex?" my mom asked.

I giggled," Yeah!"

I liked my nickname mom picked for me. It brought a smile to my face. "I got an idea, lets bring some home to put in a vase. What do you think Alex?" Mom asked me.

I nodded."That sounds great."

Dad carefully plucked ten roses from the push, and tied them together with string. "Why ten dad?" I asked.

He smiled," Because you turned ten today. Happy birthday sweetie."

I smiled.

"Come on let's go home so we can celebrate," Mom said. I looked up to the sky and saw the sun shining and the sky clear.

When we got home, I ran to the kitchen for a vase. "Mom! Where are they?" I set the roses down, and searched faster.

"Right here," she said. She set the vase down that was filled with water, and gently set the roses inside.

"There, that should do it." She turned her gaze to the window. "Oh honey, look outside the weather is awful on such a special day." I turned to see it pouring outside. I put on a gloomy face. "Hey, let's go cut the cake," mom said linking her hand with mine.


We walked into the dining hall as my dad lighted the candles. I sat on my knees and leaned over the table towards the cake. They sang the happy birthday song and I blew out the candles.

"What did you wish for?" Dad asked.

I smiled," That we can be happy like this forever!"

Mom giggled," Nothing lasts forever dear, remember that."

I nodded. " I won't forget."

"Lets go open the presents," she said walking to grab the presents.

"Presents!?" I nearly jumped out of my seat.

"Yes, now calm down! You'll get hurt," dad noted.

Mom walked in with two, neatly wrapped presents. "Here you go sweetie." She set them down in front of me.

"Open this one first," my dad said holding out the bigger one of the two. I grasped the box and tore off the paper. I gently opened the box and found two necklaces inside. I held them up.

"They're so pretty!" I said.

"I got the necklaces from a nice, old lady. She said that the necklaces were meant for a couple. The one pendant is yin and the other is yang. They come together and she told me that if a couple wore them, they would live a long, happy life forever," my father explained.

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