Chapter 20

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I pulled out a pair jeans and a peplum blouse and flats and dressed up as fast as I could because I didn't want to waste unnecessary time and keep him waiting.

Kissing my sleeping daughter and nuzzling her neck, I kissed her forehead again because I couldn't help myself. She let out a breath and opened her eyes as she began coughing. She still had cough even though the main thing was gone.

"Sorry." I whispered as I rubbed her belly and waited for it to pass. I pulled out some tissues from the box on the table for her to spit the phlegm she coughed up into it and threw it into the bin when she was done.

"Hi honey." I whispered when she greeted me. "Sleep well?" I asked and she replied with a yeah as she shifted and patted the space next to her in a silent order that I should join her.

"I have to go out for something and I'll be back soon. Then we will lie down and do everything you want."

"No. Don't go."

"I can't not go baby."

"Then take me with you. I don't want you to go." she said as tears began welling up in her eyes. I really wished I could bring her along with me because I noticed that she was beginning to feel cranky about being indoors all the time. Even though a week had passed since was discharged and she was obviously much better, I still didn't feel comfortable taking her outside where I couldn't watch her until I was sure she had completely recovered and that was why I didn't let her go back to school yet. But to take her with me to see Leo? I didn't think that was a wise thing to do. I didn't want her to end up really liking him and then have him disappear from her life when and if we end things.

"Honey, come on. I will be back in two hours." I replied but it fell on deaf ears because she began crying. Her next words sent a chill down my spine.

"Noooo. You go out everytime. You don't spend time with me anymore. I don't want you to go."

"But... "

"I wanna go with you if you go." she finished with a sniffle and I ended up lying down bedside her and taking her in my arms. My mum said and I quote You spoil her and she knows tears works everytime. Her tears did move me but that didn't stop me from stand my ground when necessary. However, in that instance, I wavered slightly. I never wanted to be the mum that her kids describe as she doesn't spend time with us regardless of how busy I was.

"But we've been at home since you got sick. Today is literally the first time I'm going out since then." I replied as I rubbed her back and when she opened her mouth to talk, she was cut off by the cough that racked through her body. I pulled out more tissues for the phlegm and my phone began ringing as she while she tried to catch her breath. Judging by the time, I already knew who it was. "Hi."

"I'm outside."

"Yeah... About that, can you give me some time? I'm trying to convince my daughter to let me go. She's throwing a fit about wanting to go with me." I said with a sigh as Amari's arms tightened around my neck.

"You can bring her along."

"I uhmm... I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why? I already know you have a daughter. We can go to a child friendly restaurant if that's the problem."

"Is it not too early to meet her? What if she likes you and then we don't work out and...uhmm...I'm trying to protect her. Besides, the conversation we're going to have isn't one that should be had around her."

I heard him sigh and imagined him pinching the bridge of his nose. "Can't you distract her with your phone while we talk?"


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