Full Moon

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After what happened with Mia in the room with Ava and Madison, Margaret rushed up to see what was going on. I gave her a confused look as to how she managed to find out and her room was all the way downstairs and down the hall.

John had came up to the room also. It was like everywhere Margaret was, there he was following behind them. I wonder if they had a past or if there could be a future for them? Anyway, he had smelled the fire coming from the room. They just wanted to make sure everything was okay. Madison was pretty nervous about getting caught while Ava stood there against the door with her arms folded.

They didn't get in trouble which was good. Marg new they would do this sooner or later.

Mia and I had left after a couple minutes since it was getting late, we wanted to shower and head to bed.

"Come back to our room tomorrow before you guys leave for the....you know" Madison had told us. She was talking about the full moon.

Speaking of full moon, even though I am only half werewolf I am so nervous to head out with everyone tonight. Its Sunday and today the skies going to be clear and the moon will be full.

"I'm so excited for tonight" Mia smile my way and I looked at her. Her eyes were as bright as the lights we walked passed in the hall. We stopped at the door to the cafe and I held it open so she could walk through before me.

Everyone was already in the cafe and we were the last ones. I stopped in the door way and looked around.

"There's an empty table just for us" Mia tells me before grabbing my arm and pulling me toward the line to grab some food.

I wasn't really that hungry but I decided to grab something anyway. Mia on the other hand had her plate filled with two bagels, an apple, some grapes, and some cereal. I bit my lip to hide my smile and turned away.

"Don't talk about my plate please it's the full moon, I swear it"

"I believe you" I chuckled and we headed toward the empty table on the right of the cafe. 

We set down our trays and crawled into the seat.

"Okay, let me get out drinks" I rise out of my seat.

"Actually, I'll get mines-" she starts to get up but I cut her off.

"No it's fine, I'll get it for you. Water right?" I ask and she nods.

I head toward the vending first, slipped the money in and grab the water then I headed toward the coffee table section.

Theres an island near the grab and go area where we got out food. It has coffee and every different type of sugar, milk, and cream. It also has hot water. It baffles me how normal it feels to make my own drink just like I used too and also how they manage to get this stuff here over night while we all slept. I laughed thinking about it, how...human this feels. But I'm not human, I'm a hybrid.

I poured the iced coffee into a cup and grabbed some sugar packets to add in. I went in to grab the cream but it fell to its side and rolled toward the edge of the table until it rolled off the edge. It was about to hit the floor until someone sped up to me and grabbed it. My hair blew into my face as I looked down at the bottle in someone's hands.

My eyes scanned the floor....Black boots, jesus christ, its Jake. Again.

I stood up and swallowed before looking into his face.

"Hey Zoe" he shows his teeth and I can see a hint of his fangs and they look so perfect with his mouth.

"Uh hey Jake" I said and turn back to the island but then I realize he's still holding the cream. I let out a breath and turn back to him. He sits there smiling until he holds out the bottle to give to me.

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