3 | My Saviour

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Improved on May 30, 2020


"Thank you for letting me sit here, Ms.--"

"Y/N, Y/N L/N." 

"Ms. L/N," the small creature says, as he grabs his cup and jumps off his chair. "Excuse me, I'll be off now," he states as he does a little bow before going to the place where they dispose of dishes.

I grab my bags and stood up. I threw my trash into the trash can and went out the door. It was already 4:30 pm according to my watch as I exited, the perfect time to finally go home.

I stood patiently on the street, waiting for the go signal which will allow me to pass through. The number of people waiting with me grew casually. Noise filled the background as they came.

Eventually, the lights turned green for the pedestrian lane. I took off first before anyone else so that I wouldn't get stuck in the crowd.

I hummed a light tune, but I could only hear it barely because of the noise the other people caused. I grumbled a bit but continued to walk through the other side.

"The fuck are you doing here, you animal?" a loud male voice could be heard behind me, though no one paid attention as we continue to cross the road.

I heard a loud thump followed by laughter.

I stopped and I turned around, I saw the guy who I was previously seated with at the cafe. He was on the ground, his face barely visible as people walked by him.

I was making my way over to help him until I heard loud horns.

I looked to where the sound came from and saw a truck, speeding towards the both of us.

And then I realized, we ran out of time.

"tch!" I clicked my tongue as I threw my bags on the other side of the road.

"But I keep cruising."

I sang as I ran towards the small being, the horns of the truck becoming louder which caused me to sing louder as well.

"can't stop, won't stop moving."

What the heck was this small one doing?! Is he blind or something!?

By now I was practically yelling.

"It's Like I got this Music
In my mind..."

My quirk activated as I ran and pretty much carried the creature.



"Sayin' its gonna be alright."

Oh, thank the lords! I've managed to save this little fella from that stupid truck. However, it wasn't the truck's fault, it was ours.

God! I almost died, what was I thinking?! What was he thinking? Maybe the guys that pushed him made an impact on him or something.

Whatever at least I saved him.

I dropped the guy gently on the sidewalk.

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