A/N: News

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so for any of you who didn't join my discord server and are unaware of what is to come, i've decided to make another author's note to address this.

[lowercase intended]

•i will not be rewriting that dark shadow is a female. i personally still don't believe it and i think it's only fitting that the shadow remains a male.

•i promised everyone that(hopefully) i'll be able to post 1–2 chapters per week, specifically during weekends. i'm making myself a schedule so that i have no reason to be procrastinating.

•i promised everyone that i was going to write something extra fluffy after the mission has ended. i planned to make the mission a bit dark and heavy so that the reader would realize just how cruel the world is.

not everyone has happy endings.

•the book is no where near completion. expect it to have at least 80 chapters... it might even exceeded 100.

•i promised everyone that i would be holding another "voting of events" soon.

•expect more grammatical rewriting.

•reader is turning 14 (sorry for the confusion)

the reason behind all of these "promises" i made was because of my absence. i told everyone a few months ago that i was going to update "everyday," then the following day, i ended up not updating.

for an entire month.

i don't know the reason as to why i didn't. i just didn't feel like it and i was losing inspiration. (i was also working on something else but that's no excuse)

after finally sobering up and planning to finally write for the current night, something happened.

and it was bad.

let's just say, i got into an accident and i couldn't move any of my arms for another month. i could barely even lift a finger on my left hand.

i felt crushed. my arms were basically my everything. i wasn't able to play any instruments nor even able type properly on my phone. in fact, someone had to personally feed me.

i laid down all day. i was suppose to go to the hospital but with the pandemic, we couldn't risk it. besides, they don't really accept patients that aren't infected with corona anymore.

i realized now how much i let everyone down. that one month before the accident, i could've written a lot. but instead, i chose to do nothing.

now that i got a bit better, this is my way of apologising.

i'm sorry.

next, i'd like to say something very important.

i'm a male.

so stop getting it wrong.

if i get another private message from someone who wants to fuck me, i'll quit wattpad.

i'm a male.

it's fine if you guys think it's disturbing that i'm a guy who writes about the readers being girls. it's fine if you guys don't want to read my stuff anymore. it's fine if you unfollow me.

it's better than getting my gender assumed and getting sexted.

i'm a male.

i have a mother and a sister.

i don't know if any of you noticed, but i changed my "actual name" to"azarashi - senchō" which is japanese for my real-life nickname: "captain seal"

you can call me that instead.

i'm still keeping "temdud", though.

i'm a male.

thank you all for your patience and lovely feedback. again, i'm very sorry for letting you all down.

please, enjoy the next chapter. :)

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