im only messing with you...

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"if it did, then i have a hundred new theories coming in"

gibbs- "torres, did you find anything useful at the crime scene?"

torres- "me and bishop went looking round the house, bishop went into the kitchen and found a locked cabinet filled with pills and drugs"

bishop- "theory is, shes a secret dealer and she couldnt handle the stress of being an addict so-"

gibbs "she killed herself"

torres "exactly"

gibbs "follow up on the theory back at home, we've had enough for one day"

"hey nick, wanna come back to mine? stop off for some coffee at the diner then follow up at my place?" says ellie.

"sure why not, not like i had plans myself." the last part was very sarcastic. of course nick had plans. it was to do the very same. but then go home and watch foreign movies for the rest of the night. what he does every night. sounds boring, but it just became an
everyday thing for agent torres, especially after hes been undercover so many times.

"and what plans where they? watching foreign films again?" ellie said, giving him a grin.

"theres nothing wrong with foreign films! god made them for a reason!"

"come on, lets go before gibbs pulls us back about the case."

the pair make a quick exit to the elevator door, just in time before it was about to close and go back down again. as they are exiting the building, torres sparks a conversation.

"hey, why are you in such a good mood?" nick says.

"what do you mean, im always like this?" ellie says.

"no, its as if you've tried a new perfume and you're overly excited about it!"

they both laugh.

"no, im just in a good mood. why are you wondering?"

"because, its different. but in a good way. you have a pretty smile."

"thank you, its not everyday i get a compliment of special agent nick torres!" she giggles.

"if you like them so much, how about one a day, just to make you smile"

"okay, okay."

her smile grew bigger and bigger. her cheeks blushing a bright crimson.

"are you trying to flirt with me torres?"

"is it working?" he paused. "im only messing with you!"

but he actually did mean it.

end of part 3

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