if you don't say it now, you can't say it later...

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back at nicks house, he tidies up the cushions so they look nice and comfy

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back at nicks house, he tidies up the cushions so they look nice and comfy.

sloane and mcgee sat on one sofa, reeves on the sofa chair and nick and ellie next to each other on the middle sofa. nick and reeves sort out drinks for everyone whilst ellie and mcgee try and get the film started.

everything was perfect and everything was settled. even delilah came over and enjoyed the movie with them all. in the end they're all relaxed, especially nick and ellie. ellie has gotten tired quickly and placed her head perfectly onto nicks shoulder.

by the end of the night, they were both asleep. sloane had given reeves a lift home and delilah and tim where just about to leave. delilah started putting the drinks away whilst tim went to find a blanket to cover up nick and ellie.

suddenly, nick woke up and saw delilah and mcgee moving about the apartment.

"what time is it? where's everyone else?"

"they all went home, it 10:25" says delilah.

"i'm going to make myself some coffee"
nick tries to get up but delilah stops him.

"you can't get up, you'll wake poor ellie up!" delilah points out.

"oh snap!" nick lays back down and gently places ellies head back on his chest. he looks at her sleeping and smiles.

delilah says, "so, anything going on between you two?"

"no, no no! we're just friends!"

"sure you are. just friends. that's why you're giving her that look! nick, if you do like her, it's obvious. there shouldn't be any reason for you to hide it!"

"you're right, but i can't. it would ruin our friendship. she means everything to me delilah. and i don't even have the guts to say it to her! don't tell anyone about this conversation, please don't,
not even to mcgee! you can't"

"i won't i promise, but here's some friendly advice. just tell her! i'm sure she feels the same way! if you don't say it now, you can't say it later."

"i know i know, you're right!"
nick says whilst playing with ellie's long blonde hair.

end of part 8

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