pay up

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around the office, nick and ellie act awkward around each other after the strange, i guess you could say compliment, the lady gave them later that day. luckily for them, no one was questioning the awkwardness, but they did in fact notice it, it was a bit too obvious as much as they tried to hide it.
back to the case, ellie was on her way down to autopsy to get an update from jimmy. the elevator doors open but as she steps out she hears more than jimmys voice in autopsy so she hesitates walking in too quick and decides to hide behind the doors and listens in.
jimmy: you really think so?
sloane: i wouldn't be surprised, office romances are common and should be normalised, there's nothing wrong with breaking a rule or two of gibbs'
mcgee: of course you would say that jack, you and gibbs have a thing going on!
*theres a awkward silence for a few seconds before mcgee speaks up again*
mcgee: i can't believe nick and ellie would- no-
kasie: i said so, i called it, pay up guys *joking around*
mcgee: i might pass out
sloane: mcgee don't be overdramatic! it's not a bad thing! as long as they're happy together shouldn't we support that?
jimmy: reminds me of when you and abby had a fling mcgee!
sloane: wait what!
kasie: mcgee! ahaha i can't believe that!
sloane: no mcgee you can't say anything now, you broke it as a probie!
mcgee: yeah but that's different me and abby have always been friends.
kasie: and so have bishop and torres since the day they met!
at this point, ellie had been waiting behind the autopsy doors for a while and was starting to get impatient. she finally walked through, mid conversation, starting up a new one of her own, ignoring them all as if she didn't notice they were in the room, especially talking about her.

‼️sorry i've not updated this in a while, i've been busy with school lately and i nearly forgot about this aha! anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter, i appreciate all the interactions and lovely comments you guys have been leaving <3

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