if that's what you want it to be...

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"it doesn't matter, but if he keeps ringing, i give you permission to come to
my apartment and tackle all three of my brothers!" bishop laughs.

after breakfast/brunch, the squad head to the offices and get back to the case.

"what've we got?" says gibbs.

"darren's albi checks out." says mcgee.

"we've made contact with her bestfriend sophia again, who has recently been
accused of robbery yesterday. we are bringing her in." says torres.

"theory is, they worked together and sold the drugs. lauren found out about them,
and they killed her." says bishop.

"follow up, me and jack will do the interrogation." says gibbs.


"did she confess?" asks bishop as jack and gibbs enter the bullpen.

"yes she did, after palmer gave the bullet to abby, abby tracked down the gun,
and it belonged to darren, they found it at the crime scene, abby matched it
up to darren and sophia's fingerprints." says sloane.

"lets go before we have another case!" says torres.

torres and bishop were first to leave.

"do you want to go out for dinner? heard theres a fancy sushi place
that's opened up near mine?" says torres. he was so nervous.

he saw it as a date, but if bishop didn't see it like that then he wouldn't.
he liked her so so much and after he talked to sloane about it, she said
that he should just grow some balls and ask her out already. now, alot of
people knew he liked bishop, and luckily enough, the sercret hadn't spreaded.
he always pictured him and bishop, but when you have a crush, isn't it
usually like that. he hoped that she would say yes and possibly even feel
the same way. but just like sloane said, don't always give your hopes up,
some things don't happen and some things don't work out.

"like as a date?" asked bishop.

"if that's what you want it to be!?" said torres.

"sure, message me the details." says bishop, with the biggest smirk on her face.

she turned around and her smile grew bigger and bigger. it was finally happening.
she never really thought it would be this way but it's better now then never.
that's what jack told her. she had been going to jack's office for weeks,
telling her about all the feelings mixed up inside her. she didn't really
trust anyone after her divorce a couple of years ago. her and jack
had a special bond and anyone could tell her anything. she always hyped
up ellie to tell nick about her feelings but she just couldn't. but maybe she could

end of part 13

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