sometimes quiet is violent...

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all four of them get into sloane's car. it was very silent and awkward.

"come on, can we just get over it already. its not like we did anything! we just fell asleep!" says nick,
making the situation still awkward and embarassing for both him and poor ellie.

"how about we just keep it quiet. one day it might come in handy!"
says sloane.

bishop gives torres a shocked look as they all get out of the car and into the headquarters.

they all step out the elevator and reeves pulls nick quickly, to the side.

"blast of cold air coming out of there! whats going on?"

"nothing man, we're all cool. just a little bit of a misunderstanding."

"a bit? you must be mad, there's something going on and i can tell. you better tell me
now before i ask one of the others."

"fine, i'll tell you, just stop bugging me! i went round to ellie's place last night,
to finish stuff from the case, next thing you know we were lying asleep on
the sofa."

"wait, im confuesed, did you two?, or-?"

"reeves, of course not? how many times do i have to tell you, she's not my type!"

"sure she isn't" reeves rolls his eyes and sits back down to his desk whilst a pretty annoyed nick, heads over to his desk. walking through the bullpen was awkward, but no one said anything. sometimes quiet is violent.

end of part 5

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