hope you enjoyed your date...

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"what was that about?" asks nick.

"it look like gibbs and mcgee might be joining us."

"wait, why?"

ellie goes on her phone, swipes to a photo of sophia and darren. the two suspects on the investigation case. she hands her phone to nick.

"they're sat over there" ellie says.

ellie and nick both stare in their direction.

"nick! they're gonna notice us. we've got to try and make sure they don't leave before the others arrive."

"well, what's our backup story for this then?" nick points his finger back and forth between the two.

"oOh yEaH, uRm wE werE jUsT ouT hEre brEakiNg rULe 12" nick says, taking the piss.

ellie hits him playfully on the arm. they both end up laughing.

"just say we were, urm, uhhh, going undercover, trying to blend in?! i don't know" says ellie.

a *ping* came from ellie phone.

mcgee;  'we're here, where are you?'

ellie turns around to see mcgee and gibbs standing in the doorway, quickly making their way over.

"how did you get-" says mcgee, getting cut off by gibbs.

"nevermind mcgee, we need to go over there and arrest them, you two, block the doorway, mcgee, near me."

they split off in their different sections, whilst bishop and torres stuck together, near the door entrance.

"hey darren, hi sophia, how are you enjoying your meals? i see you forgot to hide your plane tickets and forgot to turn your location off."

sophia looks around, trying to see if she can make a run for it. darren stays still, knowing he's guilty as hell.

"no point running sophia, my team is around this place. mcgee! both of you, stand up, hands behind your backs!"

mcgee grabs darren, puts him in handcuffs, and carries him out the restaurant, whilst gibbs does the same with sophia.

"hope you enjoyed your date" sophia says, aiming it at bishop and torres.

they both exchange freaked out looks, as they didn't really want anyone knowing that they were on a date.

now there was only three of them left in the bullpen. bishop and torres still both dressed up and gibbs glancing at each of them pair minute. he already knew they were on a date. it was very obvious, especially the fact that he had known that they've liked each other for so long.

sloane then walks in the bullpen, smiling at both torres and bishop, making them both blush slighty.

as gibbs, torres and bishop were all exiting the building, bishop stops. both agents turn to look at her.

"ellie, are you okay?" says nick.

"bishop, do you have something to say?" says gibbs.

ellie gives nick the 'we have to tell him' look.

end of part 17

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