really close to hooking up?

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*bishop and mcgee driving back to the ncis offices*
mcgee: so, how's life at home?
bishop: good, yeah it's good.
mcgee: good to hear.
bishop: what about you mcgee? how's delilah and the kids?
mcgee: they're great actually, it's the twins' birthday coming up soon, we are trying to find them the best presents!
bishop: awh! how old will they be?
mcgee: they'll be turning 3, they've been asking for these giant specific teddy bears, but i can't find them, they're all sold out everywhere i've checked!
bishop: don't worry mcgee, me and torres can help you find presents!
mcgee: you would? awh thanks bishop that would be great!
bishop: no problem! anything for a friend!
mcgee: so... i hate to bring this up, the idea is totally wrong but... what did gibbs mean in the bullpen this morning?
bishop: what do you mean? *pretending to act confused*
mcgee: bishop you know what i mean
bishop: do i mcgee?
mcgee: i mean, do you and torres have a thing going on? you're like brother and sister to me and i find the idea of my two bestfriend hooking up, especially without me knowing!
bishop: mcgee, there's no need to worry
mcgee: well then just tell me the truth...
bishop: i don't know what to tell you, i mean, i don't know mcgee, we're just really close...
mcgee: really close to hooking up?-
*bishop slaps mcgee gently on the arm so his focus isn't taken off the wheel*
bishop: mcgee, if anything were to happen, you know i'd tell you, right?
mcgee: yeah your right, i don't know why i was overthinking so much, i just don't want anything to happen, i like the team friendship as it is, you dating torres would change everything
side note: yes, bishop and torres are a thing, they are together, but they haven't told anyone. they're unsure where they stand because they haven't put a label on their 'thing' yet. i hope that clears some things up! enjoy:)

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