grab your gear 2.0

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ellie and nick walk out of the elevator and into the bullpen. ellie has the biggest smile on her face and tries her best to cover it but it's obviously not working.
"what's with the big smile ellie?" says mcgee, slightly confused.
"oohhh nothing, just had a good nights sleep" she says.
"oh okay, you're bad at lying but okay" says mcgee, mumbling loud enough that ellie can hear.
"hey! i wasn't lying! can a girl not be happy for once" ellie says in a jokingly manner.
"yeah mcgee" says nick getting sassy.
mcgee rolls his eyes and turns back to his computer.
"grab your gear" says vance, entering the bullpen.
"sure, but is everything okay?" says mcgee, standing up.
"not quite, mcgee, you will meet gibbs at the hotel address that's been sent to your phone, bishop, torres, you need to pick up tali from the airport, don't let anyone or anything stop you, got it?!" says vance in a hurry.
"isn't tali ziva's daughter?"
sorry this is a short chapter, i've not published them in quite a while! but i'm currently writing more because i have plenty of ideas! thank you for being patient!:)

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