going off topic...

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"i've genuinely given up! there's something you're not telling us!"
ellie hits the table as hard as she can with her fist. they've been
at this for an hour and they're not getting anywhere.

"come on sophia! spit it out already! i'm getting bored!"

"there's nothing to say. me and darren are just colleagues!"

"you're saying that like you haven't been screwing around" says a fustrated nick.

"just like you and her then" says sophia, giving off a smirk just to get a reaction from torres and bishop.

"we're just partners! that's all! now we're going off topic!"

gibbs; "so? did you crack her?"

bishop; "no boss. she won't open up about anything."

gibbs; "i'm going in. you guys go home!"

torres; "don't forget to slap her on your way out!"

ellie and nick start packing their stuff away and walk towards the elevator.
just before the elevator doors close, sloane, reeves and mcgee come in.

clayton; "what film have you picked out then?"

nick; "i didn't know which one to choose from so you guys can pick!"

ellie; "jumanji?"

nick: "too basic"

jack; "die hard?"

nick: "nope, not my type"

mcgee: "pixels?"

nick: "nahh, too geeky"

jack: "titanic?"

nick: "what's that?"

ellie: "great, we'll be watching that!"

end of part 7

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