has anyone got a lead?...

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finally they made their way to pences real estate.

'kian, ahh, i remember him, yeah urm, how do i put this..' says one of the staff members at pences real estate.

'what do you mean mr. coleson?' asks torres.

'back in 2016 he went missing, police found his body but is family said it wasn't him.. its a complicated story but im 99.9% sure he's dead. where did you say you found his dna?'

'doesnt matter, thanks for your help though.' says bishop politely.

torres and bishop both turn around and walk towards torres' car.

'i think thats whats called a dead end' says torres.

'im sorry gibbs but it looks as if we've not got any other leads on this case!' says director vance.

'i'm not letting some bastard get away for killing a marine, one of our own!'

'unless you can find a lead in the next 24 hours, im handing this case over to fbi.'

'but leon-'

'no buts gibbs, you're wasting your time.'

'we have 24 hours, has anyone got a lead.' gibbs asks.

looks between mcgee, torres, bishop, and reeves float around the room.

gibbs stands up onto his desk and says;

'if we don't get a lead on this case then a guilty man is going to walk away freely, do you understand that! everyone get to work and give this marine some justice.'

end of part 25
i might stop this story and just start a new one. should i carry this one on?
also sorry for the long wait ive been busy and on holidays!!<3

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