Part 2: Stalked

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The phone rung for a while until Miku picked up.
"Hi. I-"
"Where are you?! You're late and none of us can record until everyone's here!"
"Well, if you let me finish my sentence, m-"
"Do you know where Haku is? She should be here too!"
"Alright, jeez."
"Haku and I are on our way now. We'll be there soon."
"Okay. Be quick."
Neru hung up and stuffed her phone into her pocket.

"What's up?"
"You really don't seem yourself today. You're usually off ranting about something or the other. You seem quiet."
"I'm fine."
"If you say so. Look, if you want to talk about something, please talk to me. Okay?"
"Neru, don't s-"
"Shut up."
"Alright, alright."

The two walked in silence until they arrived. The studio was extremely large from the outside, and looked like you could get lost easily. It was incredibly high-tech, too. Upon coming towards the door, a beeping sound went off.
'Please wait. Somebody will come to the door shortly.' an automated voice said.
"Ugh, hurry up," Neru muttered.
A short while later, Miku opened the large metal door.
"Come in, quickly!" she said, before rushing back inside.
"Hello to you too," Neru sighed.

As they entered the room, the other vocaloids stared at them.
"Thanks for finally deciding to show up, assholes!"
"It's not my fault! They can't just choose when they want to come! When I'm late you all yell at me but when Haku and Neru are late you don't say anything!"
"Rin, calm down."
Rin pouted and turned away.
"I'm sorry about her," Len said.
"It's fine. It was our fault, I suppose," Haku replied.
"You'll probably have to get some fold-up chairs from the store room. Sorry," Miku told them.
"I'll get them, stay here," Len announced, running off.

Neru got her phone out of her pockets, and opened her Instagram. Her feed was near enough empty - after being blocked by multiple people after she lashed out on them, the only people she followed were her friends. Every now and again, she would receive a creepy DM from an older man. This was one of those times. She opened the text. It said,
'Aah, I saw your photos. You are beautiful. Give me your location and I can come and make you.. happy.' It had a cliché wink emoji at the end of it.
'I'm literally 18. You're like, 55. Go and rethink your life. Wait, hold on.. you don't have one TO rethink, do you? Pervert.'
She sent the text, which was quickly seen by the man. He replied almost immediately. It was a picture. Wary to open it, Neru carefully tapped the image and flinched. But, it wasn't what she thought it would be. It was worse. It was a picture of the man stood outside the studio. In panic, Neru threw her phone at the ground, exclaiming,
The other vocaloids looked up at her.
"Who- who's stalking you?" Haku asked, a tone of concernedness in her voice.
"Some random old guy on Instagram. He's literally outside right now. No body open the door."

From behind, Len started unfolding the chairs, asking,
"Who's outside?"
"Like, there's this guy on Instagram who DM'd me and he found my location. He's like 55 or something."
Len scowled.
"I'll beat him up, just you watch," he remarked, marching angrily towards the door.
No body tried to stop him.
Neru carefully followed him, trying not to get noticed.
Len swung open the door with a lot of force.
The man was looking around, at the floor, but not up at the boy.
"Aah, I knew you would give in. You're very very pretty. I hope you've not got your little friends with you. I-" The man looked up.
"You're not Neru! Who're you?!"
"Len. Len Kagamine."
"You're so young! Do your parents know you're here?!"
Len swung his fist at the older man's face, hitting him hard.
He kicked the man's crotch.
"AH! Ouch!"
Neru watched from down the corridor. She was amused. She was also a little scared about how much force Len had.
"What's going on?"
Neru turned around. It was Luka.
"Oh, Len's beating him up. You know how true he is to his word."
"Oh! Oh no!"
Luka rushed towards the two squabbling males.
"I'm very very sorry about him. He gets very protective of his friends."
"Luka Onee-Chan.." Len whined, being held back.
"I'm sorry, but can you please leave? It's kind of.. you know.. illegal to stalk people?"
"Of- of course, ma'am. I'm sorry for disturbing you."
The man scurried away.

"Now, Len, I'm very disappointed in you."

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