Part 38: Game?

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There was only one gift bag left - Neru's. Haku slowly opened the back, looking at Neru, who was clearly trying her best not to smile.

"You got me a whole bunch! Wow, thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah, just open them."

Haku got out the outfit first.

"I love this! Aww, it's so cute. I'll put it on once I'm done."


Next, she took out the chocolate and the keychain.

"So sweet."

She then took out the stress ball, and threw it at Neru.

"Hey! What gives?!"


"You're mean. I hate you."

"I love you too."

"Shut up."

Haku stood up, holding the clothes. She promptly left, to go and change.

Neru threw the ball over at her brother, which hit his head.


He threw it back, and Neru caught it. She put it back in the bag.

"So, you guys..," Miku began, "I think we should do some games..!"

"We're not 13," Neru said.

"Yeah, well, it'll be fun! Come on, you don't always have to be so grumpy."

"I'm not grumpy, I just actually have brain cells."

"We'll see what Haku says, huh? It's her day, not ours. Let's not force her to do anything she doesn't want to," Rin said.


Everyone exchanged nervous glances until Haku returned.

"Oh! You're back!" Miku chirped.

Neru hid her face from anyone seeing her profuse blushing.

"What do you all think?" Haku asked.

A chorus of positive responses was heard. Haku dipped her head and smiled.

"Thank you."

She saw Neru with her head in her hands. She crouched down and put her hand on Neru's shoulder, and quietly asked,

"Are you alright?"

Neru looked up at her.

"Oh, honey, you're blushing!~"

She hid her head again, swatting Haku away.

"Alright, I won't bother you."

She stood up, addressing the guests.

"Thank you all for the gifts. They're all great."

Miku waved her hand, and asked if she wanted to play any games.

"Sure, if you would all enjoy that," she responded.

Miku fist pumped, and Gumi stood up.

"I really must go. I have an afternoon tea with my family."

"Alright. Thank you for the gifts, Gumi-chan, they were very nice."

"Of course. I'm glad you liked them, Haku-nee."

"Have a good day!"

"I will. Thank you!"

Gumi left, leaving just the Akita siblings, the Kagamine siblings, and Miku. Haku looked at Miku and asked,

"So, what would you like to play?"

"I don't know. What should we play?"

"Truth or dare," Rin and Len said.

"We can play that, if you would like."

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