Part 14: Rest well

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"Wow! This chicken is really good!"

"Yeah, same with this beef. Props to the chef."

"Do you want some?"

"No. I'm good."


After finishing the food, Neru got her phone out.

"Neru, put that away!"

"What? Why?"

"It's impolite!"

"No one's gonna die. It's fine."

"Neru, it's rude. People will think we have no manners."

"So what? I don't care what anyone else thinks."

"Well, I do! Put that thing away!"

"No! It's my property, I do what I want with it, thanks."

Haku went quiet and continued finishing her food.

Neru eventually put her phone down and yawned. She put her head on Haku's shoulder.

"Oh? You tired, honey?"


"Aw. Let's hurry up and pay so we can get you home."

"I don't wanna..."

"Why not? I thought you were sleepy?"

"I don't want this evening to end..."

"Me neither. But you're gonna fall asleep if you don't get home, and I'm not carrying you."

"Just... Call Luka or something..."

"Neru? Neru, don't close your eyes. Come on. Let's go and get you into bed."

Neru put her arms around Haku.

"Aww, Neru, I love your hugs but we have to get up now."


Haku held Neru's hand and they walked to the counter. Haku paid the bill and they left.

"I'll give Luka a call. Stay awake, alright?"


Neru shut her eyes and listened to Haku talking. She loved to hear her voice. She smiled.

"Alright. Luka's on her way."

"Okay... do you think Shizuko is okay?"

"I think so."

"Okay. That's... That's good."



"I love you."

"Oh," Neru yawned, "I- I love you too."

"May I ask you a question? Or are you not awake enough?"

"I'm not awake enough..."

"Aw. Okay. I'll ask after you've slept."

"You won't forget?"

"No. Of course not."

After a long while, Luka pulled up.

"Hello! Sorry I'm late. I had to get Rin and Len to bed and they wouldn't cooperate, and-"

"It's okay. Don't worry about it," Haku said.

Neru and Haku got into the back of the car, and strapped in. Neru put her head back on Haku's shoulder and Haku put her arm over Neru. Neru shut her eyes and was soon asleep.

"Luka?" Haku whispered.


"How do I ask Neru to be my girlfriend?"

"Aw, that's very sweet. Maybe you should do it tomorrow. Not early, but maybe you could get her to go on a walk or something, and while she's out you could make dinner and then ask her over dinner."

"That's a good idea. Thanks."

"By the way, are you coming to Miku's tomorrow? Meiko and Kaito are flying over tonight and we're all going to see them. Apparently they have a baby. I don't know if that's true or not."

"They have a baby?!"

"It's a rumour. But yeah, probably."

"With each other? Like, they did it?!"

"Yes, Haku, that's how baby making works."

"Right. S-sorry."

"I didn't mean to snap. I'm just- just a little stressed."

"It's- it's okay."

"Anyway, here's your stop. Have a wonderful night."

"You too."

Haku poked Neru, who woke up in an instant.


"We're home."

"Right. Thanks, Luka-san."

"It's okay. Have a great night."

Haku and Neru stepped out of the car and went into the house. Neru immediately went up to bed.

"Hang on, didn't Dell say our food would be free? Little snake..." Haku thought aloud.

She went upstairs with Neru, to make sure she was warm and would get to sleep fine. After Neru was sound asleep, she went to go back downstairs.

But she noticed something.

The spare room door - the door that hadn't been open since Haku cut herself - was wide open. There was still glass all over the floor. But now, there was something else amongst the shards.

Shizuko's blood-covered body.

"Oh God, no no no no..."

Haku squatted down to see what had happened. There were shards poked in Shizuko's paws, and the side of the body. There was blood all over the floor.

"Shizu-chan. Please..."

Haku felt herself tearing up. She didn't know what to do.

"Please, please. Neru would be so upset."

She paused.

"I'll- I'll put you in a bag. That's what people do, right?"

She went downstairs to get a black bag, quickly returning up to the room.
She put the cat into the bag.

"I'm- I'm so sorry. We all loved you, Shizuko. You were a part of a family. You made Neru so happy. Thank you. I'll keep her safe. Promise."

She left the room, and shut the door. She got herself ready for bed, and entered Neru's room. She slid into the bed and cuddled up to Neru. She whispered something, before closing her eyes and going to sleep.

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