Part 8: Return

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Luka and Neru walked into the ward that Haku was situated in. Neru's heart was beating hard and fast, and she was slightly shaking.
Turning into the small area where the bed was, Neru was the first to see her.






Neru gasped, shoving the flowers to Luka. She ran up to Haku and embraced her. She held on tight, and started to cry.

Haku pushed her away.

"I-I'm sorry, but could you not?"

"W-what? Did I hurt you?"

"No, it's just-"

"I got you something. Luka?"

Luka handed Neru the bunch of flowers.

"I got you these. I thought you would like them."

A doctor noticed Neru talking to Haku, and was visibly concerned.

"Excuse me? Ma'am?"


"She doesn't know who you are. Please don't give her too much at once. You'll confuse her further."

"She's- she- she doesn't know me?"

"Unfortunately, no. Are you close to her?"

"Y-yes. I am."

"I understand that this is hard, but she needs some time. She'll know you like she always has soon enough."

Putting her hand on Neru's shoulder, Luka interjected,
"You could tell her now. She might not remember when she gets her memory back."
"Tell her what?"
"I think you know," Luka said, winking.
"Ugh, fine. Later."

An hour passed. An hour of nervous glances and silence. Luka had left to get some lunch, but Neru had stayed.

"Excuse me?" Haku spoke.
"Is- is your name Neru? Akita Neru?"
Neru beamed, and took Haku's hands.

"It is! It is! Well done!"

Haku smiled.

"I- I remember a little bit. Not much, but enough to know that you were my best friend."

" 'Were'?"

"You are my best friend, then."

Neru smiled profusely.

"What else do you know?"

"Um, not much. I know my name, your name and a few memories."

"It's better than nothing."

"I know. But I'll try to remember more."

"We'll have to give it time, okay?"

"Neru? Do you think I could go back to sleep? I'm tired..."

"Of course you can. I'm going to stay with you overnight."

"Thank you!"

"You don't have to thank me. I'll always be here for you."

"You will?"

"Of course."

Haku stared upwards, and yawned. She didn't say anything, but to Neru, her presence was enough. Neru picked up her hand and held it tight, as Haku fell asleep.

The doctor that had previously been talking to her walked over, holding a clipboard.

"Hello, miss."

"Um, hi," Neru said, letting go of Haku's hand.

"May I ask you some questions about the patient?"

"Of course."

"Ok, let's see... Okay, Question one: Do you know how she fell unconscious yesterday?"

"Hm, not really."

"Has she suffered any mental health problems?"

"Uh, yes."

"Could you specify?"

"She, she, uh, she's got severe depression."

"Do you think she could have attempted suicide?"

"Um, uh, maybe. I hope not."

"Alright. She should be clear to leave tomorrow. Would you like to stay overnight?"

"If that's okay, yes please."


It was 8pm when Haku woke up again. Neru was quietly singing to her, holding her hand. She was falling asleep, but she wanted to see Haku awake for the final time that day.

"But I... can't... help," Neru yawned,
"Falling in love... with... you."

"Hm? Neru?"

Neru smiled.

"Good evening."

"I like that song. Can you sing it again?"

"Of course I can."

"Thank you."

Haku yawned and sat up. Neru sung the same song again, still holding the tired girl's hand, finishing with,

"I'm so tired. Sorry."

"It's okay. Thank you for singing to me."

"It's okay."

"What time is it?"

Looking at the clock on the side of the table, Neru yawned,

"Quarter past eight."

"You don't have to stay with me. Go home and get a good sleep."

"No, no. I'm going to stay with you. The doctor has given me permission. I want to stay here."

"Are- are you sure?"

"Of course."

"Th-thanks, Neru."

"Don't mention it. I'll always be by your side. Always."

Haku smiled.

"Should we sleep?" she asked.

"Yes. I think we should. Are you warm? And comfortable?"

"I am. Thank you."

"Alright. Get a good rest, okay, and you'll be clear for tomorrow."

"I can leave?"

"Yes. But you need to rest up."

"Okay. I will, promise. Goodnight, Neru."

"Goodnight, Haku."

As Haku fell asleep, Neru whispered,

"I love you."

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