Part 12: Workout

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"Jeez, Haku, slow down..," Neru panted, out of breath.

Haku turned around, jogging backwards.

"Eh? Hurry up, Neru~"


Haku bumped into a man, no older than 25. She piveted on her heels, her hands darting to cover her mouth.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry! Are you okay, sir? I'm so so sorry!"

"No, not at all! That was my fault, I wasn't looking! I'm so sorry ma'am!"

"No, totally on me! I'm really sorry!"

"I- Sorry!" The man took off, quickly.

"Don't run backwards, Haku," Neru smirked.

"Shut up! That was so embarrassing!'

"Pretty funny though."

"It won't be funny when I-"

"Okay, I'm sorry."

Haku turned around. She picked up a jog again, and set off. Neru was still lazily trailing behind.

"Hurry up, slowcoach!"

"Alright, alright, I'm coming."

Neru began to jog too, but, not being the most athletic, was out of breath rather quickly.

Wheezing slightly, Neru called out,

"Hey, hey, Haku, wait,"

"Huh? Don't tell me you're out of breath already."

"Well, well maybe I am! People aren't as athletic as you, dipshit."

Haku stopped, and joined Neru's side.

"You need to go on runs more often."


"No! No, no, not in a bad way. It's just, so you can improve your athleticness and stay active and fit."

"You sound like a sports coach."

"I would be a great coach, let's be honest," Haku said, smiling, re-tying her hair.

"Yeah... I guess you would be," Neru said, looking away.

"So... challenge me."


"Challenge me. How far do you want me to run? You can wait here for me, if you want."

"God, I don't have any idea about measurements. A mile?"

"A mile. Got it. See you in a bit."

Haku ran off at a steady pace, leaving Neru by herself. She sat on the side of the path, and reached into her pocket. Her phone wasn't in there - she had left it at home.

"Ugh, well done Neru, idiot," she muttered to herself. She pulled her legs to her chest and hugged them. She tapped her foot and sighed. She was already bored.


"Neru? Hey. I'm back," Haku said, stopping to catch her breath.

"Oh. Hey. You did a mile?"

"Well, two- one going out and one coming back."

Neru raised her eyebrows.

"Wow. You ran that?"

"Uh, mostly. I jogged some, and walked once."

"Jeez, are you okay? That sounds painful."

"Huh? No, not at all!"


"I- phew- I, surprisingly, frequently work out."

"Oh. That's fair enough."

"Look, let's get home, quick."

Standing up, Neru asked,

"Why're you in such a rush?"

"I need water."

"That's it?"

"Uh... Sure."

"Right, if you say so."

"Hurry up."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

The two walked together, closer than usual.

"Can I... Can... We..," Neru stuttered.

"Take your time."

"Can- can we hold- hold hands?"

Haku gently took Neru's hand.

"Yes, of course."

Neru was getting flustered, and pulled her hand away.

"I thought you said you wanted to hold hands?" Haku asked.

"I- I guess I'm not good at hand holding yet."

"Come on. Take my hand. You're not going to get any better if you don't try."

Neru slowly entwined her fingers around Haku's, looking forward and only forward.

"There. Well done, Neru."

"Shut up."

Jokingly, Haku replied,

"Insult me more, darling~"

"Wh-what? Haku, I-"

"I was joking. I'm not into that. I mean, I don't kinkshame but, whatever I suppose."

"I- I kind of liked when you called me that," Neru drew her voice to a whisper, looking down.

"Called you what? Darling?"


"Aww, that's sweet. Maybe I'll keep it up."


"If you would like that."


Haku and Neru arrived at the doorstep. Neru pulled out her door key and unlocked the door. She went to step in, but Haku stayed put, holding Neru's hand.

"Neru, come here."

Neru looked up at Haku.

Haku placed her remaining hand under Neru's chin.
She kissed her.
Not on the cheek, not briefly, a proper kiss.

Neru allowed it. She closed her eyes, letting herself fall into a trance-like daze.

A moment later, the kiss cut off.

Neru exhaled, and opened her eyes.


"Shhh. Come on. Let's go inside."

"R-right... Let's..."

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