Part 3: Sticks and Stones

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Len was sat in a corner, sulking. Luka was giving him a lecture. Rin was sat next to Len, gently hitting his arm.

Miku was talking to Haku and Neru, rather aggressively.
"Look, you can't keep racking up late and choosing when you want to come. Unless you've got a virus, there's not an excuse to come in."
"What if I have a really bad hangover?" Haku asked.
"You can't say that! You've probably never had a drop of alcohol in your life!" Neru said, suddenly feeling defensive.
"I haven't, but at least I would know how to handle myself and when or when not I can drink!"
"Miku, you really don't understand, do you? That not everyone lives the luxurious life you do? That not everyone is as happy as you?"
"Neru, this isn't your argument," Miku snapped,
"Haku can speak for herself if it's really that important."
"Well, I'm sorry! I didn't know it would offend you to speak up for my own friend!"
"Your only friend is a drunk bastard who doesn't know how to handle herself and is sad all of the goddamn time! She's hopeless. Useless. She's only here because she has fans. Only like, 2, but fans none the less."
"Really? Really?! I'm sorry little miss 'I-am-so-cute-and-popular-so-are-
therefore-the-queen', but you're just salty that you'll never be as talented or as pretty as Haku! You're a massive hypocrite, you know that, right?"
"You- you think I'm talented and pretty?" Haku quietly asked. Neru blushed.
"H- huh?!"
"That's- that's what you just said."
"D-DON'T TAKE IT THE WRONG WAY! I- I meant it in a friendship way! I- I don't like you like that!"
"Thank you."
Miku scoffed.
"Alright, jeez! Stop with this gross cheesy stuff! You two may as well have babies now!"
"Um, Miku. I don't like how you're acting." Haku tried to sound scary but sounded like a nervous wreck.
"Oh no! What're you gonna do? Cry?," Miku grinned.
Neru grabbed Haku's hand and walked away. They sat in a different, quieter room, on the floor, leant against a wall. Neru locked the door.
"Am I really as pathetic as Miku says?"
"Of course not. She's just jealous."
"Jealous of what?"
"That she's not you. You're literally so beautiful, you have an amazing voice, you're so kind and sweet, and you're a really good listener."
Without warning, Haku hugged Neru, knocking her over.
"Woah, okay. Wow," she said, trying not to smile.
"Thank you. Thank you so much." Haku started crying into Neru's shoulder. Neru sat up and put her arms around Haku.
"Hey, don't cry. I was only telling the truth."
"I'm sorry..," she whispered.
"For what?"
"I- don't deserve you." Haku tightened her grip.
"What? If anything, I don't deserve you."
She didn't get a reply - Haku was faintly whimpering, her eyes were closed, and she had loosened her grip.
"Do you want me to leave you alone for a while?" Neru asked.
"Um.. yes. If you wouldn't mind."
"Okay. If you want anything, text me, okay?"
"I haven't got my phone.."
Taking her phone from her pocket, Neru handed it over.
"You can text someone from this. Just ask for me to come back or something, alright?"
"Alright. Thank you."

As Neru went back into the main room, Miku wasn't there.
"Where's Miku gone?"
Len looked up from his phone.
"She's gone to record. Before she went into the other room she told me to tell you that you're an ugly pathetic idiot. For the record, I don't think that." He said. He sounded sympathetic.
"Ugh. I return the feeling."
"Where's Haku-san?"
"She's gone to sit by herself for a bit. She wants a bit of peace for now, that's all."
"Oh. Alright. Is she okay?"
"I think so."
"Do you want to sit with me? I'm watching cat videos."
"Heh. Okay."
Neru sat down on the sofa that Len was on, and looked at his phone. He was watching a vine compilation of cats.
Only about two minutes had passed and Len yawned. As he did, he tried to reach his arm over Neru.
"Ah- What're you doing?!"
Flustered, Neru pushed him away.
"I'm sorry Neru-chan!"
"Don't! Touch me! Again!"
"I didn't mean to!"
"You obviously did!"
"No I didn't!"
"Idiot! Yes you did!"
Neru slapped Len.
"Ow! That was uncalled for!"
Coming back into the room holding a cup of tea, Luka saw the squabbling two.
"Len! Neru! What are you shouting about?"
"He tried to touch me!"
"I'm sure he didn't mean it on a bad way. You two, make up and be friends."
"Ugh. Fine. Sorry." Neru rolled her eyes.
"Me too." Len said, shyly.
Luka's phone made a noise. She looked at it.
"Ah. Neru, can you go and check on Haku?"
"Yeah. At least it'll get me away from this rat," Neru said, gently pushing Len.

"Hey. I'm here," Neru said, with a calming tone.
Haku looked up.
"Oh. Hi."
"How are you doing?"
"I want to go home."
"Why's that?"
"I want. To go. Home."
"Are you sure?"
Neru sat next to Haku, who was still on the floor.
"Is it because of what Miku said?"
"Yeah. And some other stuff that's going on."
"Do you- do you want to talk about it?"
"Okay, that's fine."
The two sat silently for a while. Every now and again, they would hear a car drive by.
Haku lightly placed her head on Neru's shoulder.
"Oh? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Hm. Okay."
Another moment of silence.
"Shall I call an Uber to take you home?"
Haku nodded.
"Okay. Give me my phone for a sec, please."

Half an hour went passed in agonising silence until the Uber came to collect the both. Getting into the car, Neru gave the location and the driver nodded.
"Wait, Neru," Haku whispered.
"What's up?"
"Can I sleep at yours tonight?"
"Of course. Excuse me, sir?"
The driver stopped the car rather abruptly.
Neru changed the location and they went off again.
Haku yawned.
"Where do you want to sleep? In the spare room or on the sofa?"
"The spare room, please."
The driver suddenly spoke up.
"So, are you two dating?"
Neru's fight or flight instinct immediately kicked in.
"Okay! Okay! I only asked!"
"Neru, don't shout. He just asked."
"He thought we were dating."
"There's nothing wrong with girls dating. You know that, r-right?"
"Of course. But I just wanted him to know that we're just friends. Nothing more, nothing less."

More silence.
"Your destination, girls. Have a good night."
Neru handed over the fee and walked to her front door.
"What's- what's the time?" Haku asked.
"It's 1:00."
"Okay. Can I go and set up my room please?"
Opening the door, Neru smiled.
"Of course."
Haku immediately rushed up the stairs.
Neru was greeted by a 'meowww' from the living room. Shizuko was laid where her owner was sat last.
"Aww, hello sweetie. I've missed you!" Shizuko purred, satisfied.
"You're so cute. I want to kiss you all over!"
Shizuko apparently knew what this meant, and stood up, arching her back to be petted.
Stroking the cat, Neru slightly laughed to herself.
"You're so clever! Well done!"
She picked up the cat, sat down, and put her on her lap. She turned on the TV.
"What should we watch, Shizu-chan?"

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