Part 21: New arrival

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Now, we travel to Luka's home, shared with the Kagamine twins.

Rin, once again, was leaned over the toilet at 8am, uncontrollably vomiting. This had been going on for a while, now. She thought she must have a stomach bug.

"Rin-chan? Are you okay?"

Rin could hear Luka's sleepy voice from the other side of the door.

"Yes. Just- just fine."

"This has happened for a while now. I think we should take you to the doctor."


"Yes, really. I'm worried about you. I'm your mother, you ha-"

"You're not my mom."

"Right. Motherly figure."

"Yes, continue?"

"I'm going to book an emergency appointment for you today. I'm really concerned."

"Fine. You don't have to-"

"I'm coming with you. Just to make sure."

Rin decided it was best not to answer back, so she kept quiet. She drunk some water, spat some out, and exited the room. Luka was on the phone, already trying to get her an appointment.

She went back into the bedroom that she shared with Len - who was now wide awake, seemingly concerned for his sister.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I think so. Must just be a stomach bug."

"I hope."

"What? What do you mean 'hope?"

Len began reciting the Google definition of 'hope' as robotically as he could.

"Alright, funny man. Don't get cocky."

Rin glared at Len.

Luka knocked on the door.

"Get changed, Rin-chan. We've got on appointment in half an hour."

"Yes, Onee-chan. One second."

Rin took her clothes into the bathroom to get changed. Her stomach began to hurt. She held it, and applied pressure, which made it hurt more. She tried not to cry.

She got changed, and went to the car, where Luka was waiting.

"Rin? Why are you holding your stomach like that?"

"It- it really hurts."

"Oh my. Let's get there quick, hm?"


Luka pulled out of the driveway, and headed to the doctor's office. Halfway through the ride, Rin started to feel extremely tired. She shut her eyes and tried to nap.

"Rin-chan, don't go to sleep. We-"



"Luka-san, it hurts..."

"What hurts?"


"Yes, but what part?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You have to tell me. Or the doctor will tell me."

"It doesn't matter."

"It does! I'm worried about you!"


"Tell me later."


The rest of the car journey was silent. Luka pulled into the parking lot, and they both got out of the car.

"Will you tell me what hurts now, Rin?"

"M-my chest..."

"Your chest?"

"Yeah..," Rin said, frowning.

"Maybe it's just puberty."


"Come on, or you'll be late."

As Luka and Rin walked in, they heard a voice on the tannoy. It called out Rin's name. The two rushed off to the GP's office.

"Hello, hello. Please take a seat," the GP said.

"Thank you, sir," Luka smiled. Rin held her stomach.

"So, what's the issue?"

"Rin, do you want to explain?"

"N... Actually, sure. So, recently, every morning I've been getting headaches and vomiting, and my... um... chest has been hurting. My stomach is in pain."

"Hm. What's your age?"


"Right, that's of legal age. So, with the symptoms you've explained, we're going to run a pregnancy test. Please take this tube, go to the toilet and come back."

Rin took the small pot, and left, leaving Luka and the doctor alone.

"So, how are you related to Miss Kagamine? You don't look similar."

"Oh, we're not blood related. I mother her and her brother. They're both 16."

"Ah. Does she have a boyfriend, that you know of, at least?"

"Yes. She does."

"Okay. Do you think she would ever have intercourse with him?"

"I- I don't know."

"Alright, that's okay. We'll see what the tests say."


A few moments of silence passed, until Luka said,

"I'm- I'm such a bad mother."

"Hm? I bet you're not."

Luka sniffed, and looked down.

"I am. I'm not involved with my children's lives. I can't believe myself."

"Oh, miss, they're growing up. They'll get more secretive. They love you, no matter what. You raised them."

"Yeah. But, Rin-"

Rin walked back in. She handed the doctor the pot and slumped back down. The doctor grabbed a slip of what seemed to be paper, and dipped it in. He took it out and placed it on some paper towel.

"Right. We'll wait for a minute or so. Two lines, you're pregnant, one line, it's negative."

"I hope that comes out with one line," Luka whispered to Rin. Rin shivered.

"So, Miss Kagamine, what's your boyfriend like?"

"Hm? Oh, he's amazing. He's so sweet and caring. He'll give me hugs and kisses when I'm sad - or whenever I want them. He'll always ask if I'm doing okay. He's my shoulder to cry on. He's so inspiring."

"He sounds amazing. What's his name? I may know him."

"His name is Akita Nero. He's so handsome."

"Oh! He's the younger brother of Akita Neru, right?"

"Yes. He's so hot."

"I'll take your word for it."

Luka cleared the throat, before asking,

"How accurate is this test?"


"Oh. Oh my. That is- that is rather a lot."

"Yes. We're doctors. It has to be."

"Of course. Sorry."

Rin peered over at the strip. There was something forming on it. The doctor picked it up, and looked at it closer. He smiled, and stood up. He placed the paper back onto the table.

"Well, Miss Kagamine Rin, that you are..."

Luka took Rin's hand, and squeezed it.

"Pregnant! Congratulations!"

"WHAT?!" Both Luka and Rin shouted.

(A/N:: Kinda important, 16 is the legal age of consent in Britain - where I am situated. I know it is different for other countries. That's why I felt I should add this. Stay safe bb!)

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