Part 43 - Caught

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The cat journey back to Kaito and Meiko's house seemed longer than it was going out. The silence was screaming, and it didn't help that no one even wanted to make eye contact. The radio was switched off, and the only sound was the purring of the car's engine. Rain slowly started to cascade down from the clouds, hitting the car's windows. Kaito flicked on the windscreen wipers and cleared his throat.

"Dreary weather, hm?"

Meiko heavily exhaled, followed with a,


"Come on, Mei. Don't give up on Miyu. She's gonna be fine."

"Shut the fuck up. She's gonna fucking die and I can't help her. I want to kill everyone, and then myself."

From the back, Haku glanced at Neru, and then leaned forward to put her hand on Meiko's shoulder.

"Hey. Calm down. Honestly, I think Kaito's right. You need to give her time. You told me when I was 9, time is the best healer."

"What do you know?!"

"Alright, alright, wow. I was just saying."

Haku leant back, and held Neru's hand. Neru seemed deep in thought.

"You okay?" Haku asked.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Just thinking."

"What about?"

"Our future."

"Oh. Is it positive?"

"Yeah. I'll- I'll talk about it later."


Haku picked up Neru's hand and kissed it. Neru smiled.


Kaito slammed his foot on the brake.

"Jesus Christ Mei. What's wrong now?"

Meiko shook her head, and waved Kaito off. He started moving the car forward again.

"Dude. You okay?" Neru asked.

"I thought I was gonna puke. But I'm fine," Meiko replied.

"Oh. Ew."

"Roll down your window just in case," Kaito said.

"But it's raining, idiot. I don't want to get wet."

"It would be better than you throwing up in the car."

"Fuck off and drive."

The car went silent again.

Neru looked at her past text messages. She saw the group chat that Luka had confessed in, with her, Neru, Len and Rin. She brought it up,

"So, uh, Meiko, how's your relationship going with Luka?"

Meiko sharply inhaled, and Kaito stopped the car.

"What?" He asked.

"N-Neru. W-what're you talking about?"

Neru suddenly realized the situation she was in. Was Meiko really cheating on Kaito with one of the nicest people ever?

"I- What did I say?"

"You- You made it seem as if I was having a secret affair. But- but I would never do such a th-thing!"

"Oh. I- meant- relationship as in... friendship. Because... You fell out..?"

"I'm not convinced." Kaito said, in an oddly serious tone.

"W-why not? Uh... You're my precious husband and I wouldn't cheat on you."

"You keep stuttering, which you never do, and you're getting fidgety."

"W-why ever would I cheat on my man?"

"Maybe because you're tired of me? And you don't want to take responsibility for what's happening to Miyuki. So you're running off with Luka, out of all people, to escape that."

"But I-"

"You know how she'll believe anything you tell her. What did you do?"

"I am not dating her!"

"You clearly fucking are!"





This carried on for some time. Haku shook Neru's arm to get her attention.


"Is it true?"

Neru nodded.

"That's what Luka told me."

"Oh my God."

Neru sighed.



"Listen. Meiko, don't kill me, but I'm gonna come clean to what I was told. Luka came over and we were talking a little. She told me she was in a relationship, so obviously I asked who. She said she was dating Mei. I was shocked, because I was like 'but they're married', but she told me that Meiko had told her that you both were divorced."

The two front seat passengers were silent. Kaito started the car again, and they kept driving.

Kaito pulled up to Luka's house.

"Meiko. Get the fuck out of my car. Go and run to your girlfriend."

She scowled, but she obeyed. She slammed the car door and left.

Kaito began the car again.

"Neru, thank you."

"F-for what? I just ruined your marriage."

"No, you didn't. You let me know that my wife was cheating on me. And I'm thankful, because I don't want to be sleeping with someone who doesn't even love me."

He cleared his throat once again,

"Now. Are you coming back to mine, or going home?"

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