Part 10: Confess

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'The witching hour', so called.
Another sleepless night for Neru.

She got out of bed and crept into the other room where Haku was sleeping.
'Sleeping', here, used as a light term.
She was shivering, and shuffling. Neru could see the pained look on her face and she threw herself around. Neru put her hand on Haku's shoulder, to see if she would have a reaction. She didn't.
Neru carefully slipped into the bed, and put her arm over her. She burrowed her head into the nook of her neck and hugged her tight.

Haku had seemed to calm down. She was moving a lot less and her breathing was calmer. Neru smiled to herself.

"I love you, so much..," Neru whispered, her face still buried in Haku's neck.

"What did you say?" Replied a sleepy voice.

Neru pulled herself backwards, almost falling out of bed.
"W-what?! You're not asleep?!"

"Of course I'm not. I felt something touching me and it woke me up. I didn't want to say anything because I thought YOU were asleep and I didn't want to wake YOU."

"I- I don't actually love you. P-platonic friendship love."

"Yes, yes, platonic friendship spooning. Platonic friendship neck-nuzzling. Platonic friendship love confession too, huh?"

"It's not my fault!"

"It's not your fault that what?"

"Just- just shut up! Okay! Shut up! You're probably straight! So you don't care for me and it's stupid anyway and-"

"Neru, I'm a big raging lesbian."

"Oh. Well, still! You don't love me!"

Haku turned over to face Neru. She pulled her closer.

"Of course I do. But it's moving all a little fast, don't you think? I've just come out of hospital and we're already here, cuddling. We don't need to rush."

"I- I missed you, okay?! I missed you. I couldn't sleep because I was worried. I'm sorry I loved you, I'm sorry I still do. I'm sorry that I can't control who I'm attracted to. I want to be close to you, that's all. I love you, and I'm sorry.

"Neru, don't be silly. I appreciate that you wanted to help me and cuddle me to make me happy. And here I am, accepting your love. You don't need to victimize yourself."


"Ah! Don't leave. I'll get cold."


"Goodnight, Neru."

"Goodnight, Haku."

Neru, still being unable to sleep, listened to the gentle breathing of the girl laid next to her. She turned over to look at her.

Haku was curled up, one of her hands under her head and the other in front of her face. She looked peaceful.
Neru placed her hand on top of Haku's, and she felt a grip. She smiled and shut her eyes. She got closer to Haku and eventually fell asleep.


"Neru? Neru, wake up. Neruuu~"

Slowly opening her eyes, Neru yawned.

"Ah. Good morning. You slept well, hm?" Haku smiled.

"Um... Sure."

"You know, I don't really know what happened yesterday night."


"Maybe you could tell me, again?"

"Tell you what?"

"Come onnn... Please?"

"Please what?"

Haku put her arm over Neru, and pulled herself closer.

"Tell me that you love me."


"What? Whyyy?"

"Because I told you. I love you as a friend."

"You know I don't believe that, right? Like, you're really bad at lying."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are~"

"Stop it! I'm not lying!"

Neru shuffled backwards, loosening Haku's grip.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'll stop now. Are you okay?" Haku asked.

Neru pouted.
"I'm fine."

"If you say so..."

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