Part 42: Don't go

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Haku knocked the door, Neru stood close behind. About a minute passed, until someone came to the door. It was Kaito.

"Hi, come in. Meiko's upstairs."

"Thank you."

They both went up the stairs, unsure of which room they were supposed to go into. Haku knocked a few, until they heard a 'Come in'.

Haku entered first, then Neru. Meiko was sat on her bed, and she looked both concerned and sad.

"What's wrong?" Haku asked, sitting beside her.

"You... You remember Miyuki, right?"

"Of course I do."

"She went into the hospital yesterday. She was very sick."

At this point, Neru came over and sat next to Haku.

"Oh no..! What was wrong with her?"

"She kept coughing, and she stopped breathing a few times. She would not stop crying."

"Oh dear... That's terrible. I'm so sorry."

"No, no, it's okay. Kai said he was going to take me down to see her. I wanted you to come with me."

"Why won't Kaito go in?"

"Because he's a wuss."

"Oh. That's fair, I suppose. Of course we can go with you."

"Thank you. I'll just put on my shoes."

They pulled into the hospital's parking lot. The three got out of the car, leaving Kaito by himself.

They went into the ward that the baby was in. They saw her in an incubator, with a gas machine attached.

"Aww, poor baby," Neru frowned.

Meiko walked over to the small child, looking into the tank-like object she was laid in. She gently stroked her cheek.

"You'll be okay, my angel. I love you."

Haku walked up to the both, supportively putting a hand on Meiko's shoulder.

"Oh, Miyuki. You're going to be okay. I'll give you so many hugs and cuddles when you recover. You're a good girl," Meiko said, clearing her throat to avoid crying.

"It's alright. You can cry, Mei-san. That's your baby, and we understand. But she'll be okay. Trust."

Haku hugged Meiko, who hugged back, crying into Haku's shoulder.

"Hey, hey. Shh shh shh. It's okay. Everything will be okay in the end. No body will be in any more pain. Okay?"

"Yes, y-yes. Of course. It's gonna be fine."

Miyuki started to cry, but in short bursts. You could hear her struggling to breathe, and you could easily hear her wheezing with every wail. She was also incredibly pale.

"Haku... She's dying. My baby is dying. She's not gonna be with us anymore."

"Don't say that. Come on. It's gonna be okay. Isn't it? That's what you said. You can't give up hope now."

Meiko sniffed, pulling back, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm really trying. I don't want to lose my hope. But listen. She can't breathe properly, even with an oxygen machine. Her crying is so much more painful than usual."

"What does she like? What makes her happy?"

"I- I don't know. She likes her blanky and she likes songs, I suppose."

"Sing her a song, then."

Meiko went into her bag, and pulled out Miyuki's blanky.

"I bought it with me. Just in case."

She put it over the baby, and tried started to sing. Her voice was incredibly shaky, and broke a lot during the song. Miyuki eventually stopped crying, and Meiko gently wiped the tears from her baby's face.

Everything went silent - and then Miyuki began to choke. She had stopped breathing, briefly, and had caught air back.

Meiko shook her head, shaking with tears. She knew Miyuki was only getting worse - and the doctors were no help.

She looked around, before taking her baby out of the incubator. She held her, and slowly rocked her side to side. She delicately kissed Miyuki's forehead, then putting her back in the small area.

Haku took her in for a hug, which Neru was quick to join. It wasn't long before all three of them were crying.

A doctor came around the corner, and cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry. Visiting time is over. May you please leave?"

"Of course, sir."

Meiko rubbed Miyuki's cheek once more, and then left. They went back to the car.

"So... How was she?" Kaito asked.

"She- she's in so much pain, Kai. It hurts so much. I don't want her to die."

"Come on. She won't die. She'll be alright."

"Did you see her?! She looks so weak. Her body can't take it."

"Well, maybe she-"

"Just drive. I'm feeling sick."

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