Part 25: Meltdown

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"Len? Are you okay?"

"Go away."

"Look, I didn't mean to upset you. Let me talk to you."

"Shut up."

"Come on. Don't be a baby. Open this door."

Len gently opened the door. Neru was stood in front of him, arms crossed.

"What do you want?" Len grunted.

"I wanted to say sorry."

"W- You never do that."

"Yeah. I know."

"Why now?"

"Because I feel bad. I know it takes some real gut to ask someone on a date. And you didn't know I had a girlfriend."

Len hugged Neru. Neru was about to push him off, when she decided not to. Giving him a hug was the least she could do. He pushed his face into her chest.

"HEY! Len, get off!"


"I don't mind giving you a little hug, but come on now. I know mine aren't that big but they're still there."


"LEN! Creep!"

Neru slammed the door and left. She went downstairs, crossing her arms over her chest. She was visibly put off.

"Neru, honey? Are you alright?" Haku asked.

"I'm... I'm just, fine."

"You look really concerned. What's wrong?"

"Len called my chest juicy-"


"I'm very sorry, Neru. I'll have a talk with him," Luka said, disappointed.

"Luka? I'll take Neru home. We can Skype, or whatever. If you want to, of course."

"Alright. I've got to calm down Len's hormones first-"


"There. We're home," Haku smiled. Neru yawned.

"I'm tired..."

"Tired? It's only 2pm."

"I knowww."

"Oh, honey. Do you want to sit and watch a film with me?"

"Mmm... Yes."

Haku unlocked the door and took Neru's arm. They walked in, kicking off their shoes and preparing the living room for the perfect cinema experience.

"Do you like musicals?" Haku asked.

"Umm... They're okay, I guess."

"We don't have to watch one, it's alright. What do you like? I can log into my Netflix."

Falling asleep bundled in blankets on the sofa, Neru responded,

"Mmm... Movie..."

"Neru? Don't fall asleep yet!" Haku quickly sat beside Neru, and put her arm over her, keeping her close. Neru put the blanket over Haku and put her head on her shoulder.

"Aww, Neru. I've never seen you acting like this."

"Like... What?"

"All, soft and pure and loving. You get all clingy when you're sleepy."

Letting herself slip into sleep, Neru whispered,

"Because... I love you."

"Oh, sweetie pie, I- W-WHAT DID I JUST SAY-"

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